Why Are There No Seat Belts in Buses?

While we use seat belts in our daily cars, we do not have a chance to wear belts in public buses. What are the reasons why we are allowed to travel without a belt?

The use of seat belts is well known and for life safety an application to be implemented. Have you ever thought about why this simple procedure, which is known to everyone and has a place in our law, is not applied especially in public buses?

It is an undeniable fact that the use of seat belts greatly reduces the risk of injury and death. So how come there are no seat belts in the buses we come across in our daily lives? how come this Are buses considered safe without belts?

Safe evacuation is one of the most important reasons

Buses are produced in accordance with certain procedures that will facilitate the evacuation of people in an emergency, as they are vehicles with a much more human carrying capacity than automobiles. As an example, we can show emergency escape windows or doors that can be opened manually.

The simplest element that makes quick evacuation possible is seat belts without belts.. In case of dangers such as fire, being suspended at a railway crossing, being stuck in a location with high water levels, it is seen as a more logical option not to use belts for quick evacuation of the passengers inside.

Should we take off and put on the belt at every stop?

bus stop

Another reason for the lack of belts in buses running on the hop-on hop-off route is that the passenger capacity will decrease and that the belts will slow down the hop-on hop-off procedure. The fact that the passengers of a bus that stops at every stop will wear their belts every time, is a situation that will slow down urban transportation.

Plus, the fast aging of the seat belts of buses that are used so regularly and serve every day of the year will be much faster than normal cars. For this reason, due to the change process of the belts and deformed belts that will be checked before each trip. The material damage caused to the municipality by the buses that could not make the trip will be at great levels..

Do you accept standing passengers?

standing passenger

Buses are compared to other vehicles in the event of an accident due to their size and structure. they have a more secure structure. In this way, vehicles that are as big as themselves in the city and that are less likely to collide with another vehicle or obstacle. This means that you don’t need to use belts on buses, and they also give you the freedom to travel standing up.

Also known for buses speed limits are lower than other vehicles and its routes are usually full of stops. accelerating to speeds that could harm passengers not possible. For this reason, companies choose to avoid the production of belts, which are pointless to use anyway, and the cost of applying them to buses.

E I saw the arched bus!

police belt

Are there no buses equipped with seat belts? Of course there are, but these types of buses are generally suitable for intercity use. Traveling at high speeds rather than city speed limits, There are seat belts in buses that do not require stopping every 200 meters and are more likely to coincide with large vehicles like themselves on the highway.

In this type of bus Wearing a belt is mandated by law. However, due to the reasons mentioned above, public buses used in urban transportation do not have seat belts.


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