Why Are the World’s Leaders Mostly Men?

When the subject of equality or inequality between men and women comes up, some say this: When you look at the “best” people in the world, have you ever seen a woman’s name? Are they right? When we think of the world’s best cook, most successful scientist, most powerful statesman, we always come across men. But why? Is it about women not being as successful as men or about gender issues?

biological size and in biological structure The fact that the social dimensions they are based on are different from each other actually contains the details of our question.

Knowing that it will not be possible to disrupt the perception that has existed for years with the content we write, let’s just think a little about the reasons. In this way, perhaps our daily lives even a little bit we can change it.

We teach our children gender discrimination.

Behaviors and attitudes that begin before the child is born dominate the child’s learning of gender roles after birth. From her dress to the length of her hair, From your toys to your thoughts As a result of this pressure, whether intentional or unintentional, on every issue, discrimination between men and women actually emerges.

Learning gender roles according to dominant gender role theory, socialization or internalization It happens through. According to this learning-based approach, gender roles are one of the other things learned. While children learn behaviors appropriate to their gender from society and their parents, they are punished for behaviors that do not match their gender.

examples of gender inequality

Imagine for a brief moment that children are playing. If boy playing with car or if he is playing ball, the father is happy about it, smiles, shows interest and accompanies. However, when the same child plays with a doll, the mother or father says negative things and is not happy about it; They try to take the toy away from the child. This can be tailored to the boy’s clothes, accessories and more.

In this case, children, gender stamped toys learns to choose. Later, he/she adopts sexual identities. Then the attitudes that their own gender should show. In short, it is “in their nature” how boys should behave. It is also about learning rather than rhetoric.

Reproductive instinct is one of the basic building blocks of gender discrimination.


No matter what perspective you look at, men have always occupied positions of leadership and power. One of the important reasons for this is the reproductive instinct. Males who are leaders and strong think that their position is necessary for better and more matings. According to women, men are the ones who profit the most in terms of reproduction with this position. In short, men always more opportunities for more sex calls.

In the cost calculation between men and women, the cost of parenthood for women is higher than the cost of mating for men. However, men are more get the opportunity to mate He wants there to be more of whatever quality or resource there is.

Why are men stronger?

What men want to use in their desire to mate income, wealth and status; among the important factors in competition. Therefore, leadership positions interest men more because it is necessary to obtain trump cards.

When has prejudice ever worked?

Why are leaders always male?

Prejudice manifests itself in gender, as in many other issues. gender biases; It corresponds to the beliefs about the issues in which the two genders differ from each other and which behavior is specific to which gender.

Due to the usual prejudices throughout humanity, society; He doesn’t hear women the same way he hears men. Even if she hears it, even if male and female contributions are the same, she values ​​men more. Even though no one admits it, there is also this in the gene of society: Women are always more powerful than men. less generously rewarded.

discrimination between men and women

In our age where culture directs attitudes, our cultural past directs this mentality. historically paternalistic The fact that we are a (paternalistic) society makes it normal for men to take on leadership roles. The fact that women can be leaders is the height of abnormality. That’s why when you ask people to think of a “leader”, they usually think of a man.


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Physical development also plays a big role in this matter.

violence against women

The answer some people give when they are stuck when it comes to equality between men and women is difficult. We see this clearly when we look at the 3rd page of the newspapers. Position, reputation and money If general theories such as are equal, there is only one thing left, and that is “body strength”.

Although men have more muscle and are stronger than women in terms of total body mass, the fact that this has become established in the public consciousness leads to a dead end. Men with denser and stronger bones, tendons and ligaments turns their testosterone into an advantage. “Men are stronger than women.” Unfortunately, it is women who suffer from the truth or the pain of belief.

gender inequality

Kathrine Switzer, the hero of female runners, may be one of the simplest examples to give. Everyone, from the organizers to all the male competitors, tried to prevent Switzer, who was the first female competitor to participate in the Boston Marathon. Power can also be achieved by working When something is considered, the perception of equality must first be adopted in the mind.

It is also worth mentioning this. Not because men are stronger, but throughout history they should be more violent They are stronger for men and male psychology is shaped accordingly.

Lady Hercules

What about the physical dynamics of sex? suddenly reversedWhat if, without the help of centuries of evolution, women had become inexplicably larger and stronger than men? We welcome comments.

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