Why Are Planes Lined Up Like Ropes Between the USA and Europe?

On a typical summer evening, if you want to set off from the United States to the European region, you may have to follow the same route as if you were tied to a rope with 1,500 planes. But why do all planes follow the same route in the huge sky?

In aviation, routes over the ocean are generally not preferred. The signal may go There may be a problem with the radar, Landing in an emergency may be difficult and weather conditions may be more risky than on land. However, this busy route we are talking about goes from the Atlantic.

Of course to go in a single line “Oh, that makes perfect sense!” There’s a reason you might say. If your curiosity has increased enough, let’s get right to the topic without further ado.

Why do planes from the USA to Europe always fly the same route, as if there is no other way?

Having 1500 planes travel the same route in one evening is not an insignificant amount. Moreover, the distance between them is not that much. 60 km on horizontal route, When considered vertically, it is around 40 km.

These distances are actually quite short for aviation and require precision. Very serious planning has to be done at every step. Otherwise Terrible tragedies may occur.

Planning is done every day for the safety of aircraft.

Atlantic Ocean

An airplane traveling across the ocean has limited radar communications, problems may occur. If the radar connection is lost and the signal is lost, it becomes difficult to keep the plane on course and reach the target safely. That’s why planes trying to reach the European region from the USA,North Atlantic Organized Road System” It follows the route called .

Planes are separated from each other precisely thanks to separated routes like invisible highways. This way there will be no accidents. Four air traffic planning centers, extracts daily maps to ensure security and ensures that they are sufficiently separated from each other. That’s why all pilots who need to cross the Atlantic rely on this planned route.

If the climate crisis is not prevented, the Atlantic route may become dangerous.

Jet streams, caused by temperature and pressure differences between hot and cold air masses, enable aircraft to save fuel and shorten flight time. However, the climate crisis, which has dangerous consequences today, with temperature fluctuations This causes jet streams to change constantly.

Therefore, flying becomes difficult for both air traffic controllers and pilots. If serious steps are not taken to prevent the climate crisis, we will be in trouble by 2050. severe turbulence It means waiting.

Don’t forget to check out our other aviation related content!


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