Why Are Pilot Seats Covered with Sheepskin?

Many of us have probably seen that pilot seats are covered with sheepskin in movies, TV series or in real life. But is there a specific reason?

If If you are even slightly interested in aviation You may have wondered the reason for this situation.

Especially during Eid al-Adha Sheepskins sent to THY, It has a very important place in pilot seats. Let’s reveal this secret right away.

The main function of real sheepskin cover; It is to keep pilots cool in summer and warm in winter.

Whatever the temperature in the cockpit, sheepskin covers stay at nearly the same temperature and keeps the pilot dry. It is also hypoallergenic, does not irritate sensitive skin and does not cause allergies.

Sheepskin is a perfect seat cover for airplane seats because as required by aircraft certification procedures It is completely flame resistant and hardly burns.

Fire resistance of sheepskin It comes from its high nitrogen and water content. This means it requires higher oxygen levels in the surrounding environment to burn.

When sheepskin covers are burned, they do not melt, do not drip, and do not stick to the skin.


The last but most important advantage of sheepskin is It is very hard to wear and long lasting. Sheepskin is also resistant to liquids, tears and snags.

Additionally, sheepskin-covered seats are not only found in the cockpit. People; this original material, covering their cars and even motorcycle seats They also use it for .

Now that we have clarified this secret, Comment on other topics you are curious about. You can ask us!

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