Why Are Cats Called Nine Lives?

We often come across the rumor that cats have nine lives. Maybe even sometimes, we do not realize it in the sentence “Nine living things like cats; nothing will happen to him, he is nine living things…” we use words like. So how and where did the myth that cats have nine lives come about?

Contrary to what we think, cats do not have nine lives, and no matter where they fall on all fours they do not descend. It is undeniable that they have the agility and intelligence to get out of trouble easily, but they have one soul that needs to be taken care of.

First, after explaining how cats land on all fours, Why is it called nine lives? And let’s see how this word came to be.

Sorcerers who defy gravity.

Do they have magical paws that make them superior to the law of gravity? Of course not. Of course, scientists have explanations on this subject. righting reflex It is a fact that their innate ability, which they call this, enables them to move rapidly from the bottom up during the fall and to bring their bodies to the position of landing on all fours.

A cat sighs in its ear to determine which direction is up when it falls. balance system uses. Not only do they have an incredible sense of balance, their extremely flexible spine allows them to quickly rotate their upper body to face downwards. Their lower bodies also allow them to land on all fours.

Also, their small bodies can spin rapidly in the air and light bone structures and their thick fur helps soften the impact of the fall. Unfortunately, cats don’t always land on all fours. Falling from a high piece of furniture or glass can cause serious problems for them.


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Where does this myth of “nine lives” come from?


Although the origin of the legend is not known exactly, there are some guesses on the subject. the number nine in many cultures “Why nine instead of eight or ten?” somewhat answers the question.

For example, in both Christianity and Hinduism the number nine symbolizes divine unity; Nine is a lucky number in Chinese culture; In Norse mythology, the universe is divided into nine worlds, and in Greek mythology nine muses has.


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It’s even featured in Shakespeare’s play.


It’s about cats having nine lives first written text, created by Shakespeare. In the 16th century play Romeo and Juliet:

“What do you want from me?”

“Good king of cats, nine of your souls only one.” there is a dialog.

Another old one english proverb, Cats have nine lives: “A cat has nine lives. He plays with the three, walks around with the three, and stops with the last three.”

According to another belief, the history of the rumor goes back to Ancient Egypt.

ancient egypt

To be able to visit the underworld of the sun god Atum-Ra shaped like a cat it is said. Also, Atum-Ra was rumored to have given birth to eight more gods.

As a result, some people the myth of the cat with nine lives associated with this myth. Taking the form of eight gods and cats, Atum-Ra is equal to nine souls.


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It is not referred to as “nine souls” in every culture.

Along with the beliefs that different cultures attribute to different numbers, the number of lives attributed to cats can also vary. For example, Arab countries say that cats have six lives. In Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries, cats seven lives is said to be.

The idea that this is related to numbers considered good luck is another source of myth. Considering that cats are one of the luckiest animals to avoid danger, this species “magic number” should come as no surprise.


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