Why Are Babies’ Kneecaps Not Visible on X-Rays?

Did you know that babies don’t have kneecaps? Instead of the bony kneecap that exists in adults, they are born with a structure that takes the form of bone over time. So what is this structure?

Babies do not have the bony kneecaps we have. Their kneecaps are just one is cartilage. Don’t pay attention to what we mention as cartilage, it is a structure that consists of small pieces.

These cartilage pieces fuse over time and become bony. We can think of it as a few puzzle pieces coming together over time. At the end of this process, they now have a kneecap like us. Now let’s learn about this process and its details together.

So, what actually is this cartilaginous structure that becomes bony over time?

cartilage and bonewhich makes up the skeletal system of our body are two main connective tissues. tap cartilage joints It has many functions, such as providing a slippery surface for bones and helping long bones grow toward the neck. This tissue has a more flexible and soft structure than bone.

For this reason, we cannot say that babies do not actually have kneecaps. They have kneecaps, but they are a cartilage structure waiting to develop. In fact, because they have a cartilaginous structure, They are not visible on x-ray.

Moreover in cartilage tissue There are no blood vessels or nerves. Thus, nourishing the cartilage cells and removing the harmful substances from the tissue is only possible. by diffusion is provided. Now that we have talked about the necessary scientific information about what cartilage is, we can move on to babies.

What would happen if babies were born with a completely bony structure?

Babies are actually born with their bone tissues not fully formed. In fact, when they are born, their bodies only have 300 bones It is said to exist.

These bones came together over time to form the shape we have now. skeletal structure It creates. Additionally, as these bones fuse together, their numbers decrease over time.

Imagine that babies are born with a completely rigid bone structure. It would be scary, wouldn’t it? According to the research; If such a situation could happen, birth process can make it difficult or to injuries could have caused it. Since bone has a hard structure, it can be damaged by incorrect pressure. possibility of breakage would be higher.

When do babies get a bony kneecap?

sitting baby

When a baby starts to crawl, the kneecap also begins to develop. For ages 10 and 12 By this time, the kneecap has completely transformed into a bony structure. In other words, the transformation process from cartilage to bone progresses slowly and takes many years.

What can happen during the transformation process?

Of course, if care is not taken during the baby’s development process, a few negative situations may arise. For example, one of the negative situations that may occur is torn meniscus disorder it could be. And also tendon or ligament injuries It can happen.

To prevent these, babies in the process of development You may need to keep the kneecaps away from a large amount of stress or injury. So, as you can see, you should not let them out of your sight.

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