Why Are Babies Born With Fist Movements?

When a baby is born, watching it can be a fascinating experience. The most striking feature of the newborn is its tightly closed fists. Well, have you ever thought about why all babies make their hands tightly into fists?

Of course, babies, who surprise us with every move, make their hands tightly into fists. There is a logical reason.

Born with clumsy arm movements and then they got used to the world Let’s see what is the reason behind these movements of babies?

Fist movement is a very important part of their development process.

palmar reflex The palm grasp reflex, also known as the palm grasp reflex, is a movement that babies continue for a certain period of time from the moment they are born. You may have seen that when you touch your baby’s palm, he automatically bends his fingers and makes a tight gripping movement.

Their fisting behavior brain development closely related to. In the first months, the baby’s brain structure and nervous system develop rapidly. Meanwhile, the baby’s muscle control and motor skills is also evolving. The fist-making movement is actually an important exercise for the development of motor control, and babies gradually transform this reflex into conscious movements.

They feel safer.

Why are babies born with fist movements?

Babies who are disturbed by sudden movements, sounds or environmental stimuli can tightly close their fists and act in this way. sense of security They also create. In addition, this reflex strengthens the physical bond of babies with their mothers.

A baby placed on the mother’s breast instinctively He’s holding on to his mother. This facilitates breastfeeding and the emotional bond between mother and baby. When babies start holding a bottle, you will see their hands gradually open.

It may also be a form of behavior inherited from our ancestors.

baby punch

To prevent our ancestors from falling from trees grasping reflex improves If we think about it, we can include this in babies too. Babies, who are usually carried on their mother’s back, need strong grasping abilities to hold themselves tightly. In this way, they actually increase their chances of survival.

When do they stop punching?

The babies we see with their tiny fists as soon as they come out of the mother’s womb, Until 5-6 months old They continue this movement. This movement will return to normal with the exercises you do for him, his breast reflex or requests to hold another object.

However, if there is a process that lasts longer than the specified time period, a doctor’s check-up should of course be needed. any muscle disorder or neurological problem may be available. You can take control of your baby’s health by monitoring it.

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