Who Is Elon Musk Actually? [Video]

Although we hear the name of Elon Musk, who we know as one of the most extraordinary billionaires of today’s world, because he is often involved in scandals, we cannot ignore his success. For the answer to the questions of who is Elon Musk and how did he come to this day, we should go back to the past and look at the first steps he took in the software world.

Actually Who is Elon Musk It is not a question to be answered in just a few sentences, but a subject to be pondered over. Because this extraordinary rich is nothing like the rich as we know it. Today, many rich people have established a company and become rich through this company. Elon Musk, on the other hand, became rich, but did not stand still and swore to shape the world of the future.

When we say who is Elon Musk Most people will also think of a person who does drugs, confuses the market with cryptocurrency exchanges, and sometimes abusive, with vehicles to Mars, next-generation cars and technologies that shape the future. That’s right, they’re all the same person. Bride Who is Elon Musk Let’s take a closer look at the life story of this extraordinary rich man.

Watch the video we prepared about Elon Musk now:

He signals that he was a genius as a child:

Born in South Africa in 1978, Elon Musk’s mother is a Canadian and his father is a white South African. Elon, who has two more siblings. His grandfather is one of the important names of Dutch origin in the USA. We can say that Elon, whose mother is a model and dietician, and whose father is an electromechanical engineer, pilot, sailor and consultant, has stepped into a good life.

This happiness does not last long, and in 1980 her parents divorced. Elon decides to stay with his father in South Africa instead of going to Canada with his mother. Years later, this decision He said it was the worst decision he ever made in his life. Elon Musk defines his father as a terrible person.

Elon, just 12 years old, He develops a game called Blastar and sells it for $500. This success, which was magnificent for a young child at the time, is actually the biggest sign that Elon Musk has decided what will happen in the future. The first steps he took in real life began with his departure from South Africa.

He sets his real goal during the university period:

Elon Musk

Elon Musk, who left South Africa to go to Canada to study at university, cannot find what he wants here, so he goes to the University of Pennsylvania in the USA to study both physics and business. Bachelor of Science in Physics and Economics Then he starts his PhD in Applied Physics and Materials Science, but this process is not completed.

Even if he has not completed his doctorate, the university period makes him understand what he wants to do. He later said that the names he saw as role models at that time were Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Walt Disney. Inspired by these names internet, clean energy and space He decides to work in the field and takes his first steps.

Elon Musk’s first goals are economy and space:

Elon Musk

Elon Musk, who founded X.com, an online finance and payment system in 1999, added the auction system Confinity to the company after a while. Laid the foundations of PayPal and the company officially became PayPal Inc in 2001. got its name. The company, which grew in a short time thanks to Musk’s internet campaigns, was bought by eBay for $ 1.5 billion in 2002.

Elon Musk, who got rich with the income from the PayPal sale, After this innovative step in the economy His other goal was space, and in 2002 he founded Space Exploration Technologies, the SpaceX company. Focusing on rocket technologies, the company produced the Falcon 1 and Falcon 9 launch vehicles and the Dragon spacecraft after a while.

Elon Musk believes that exploring space is the most important work that needs to be done to improve human consciousness. Because somehow He thinks that one day this world will perish. We all know the work done on this subject and the billion dollars earned. SpaceX still continues to actively work in space, and Elon Musk still serves as the company’s CEO.

A revolutionary step in the automobile world: Tesla

Elon Musk

Although Elon Musk’s eyes are in space, his feet are still on the ground and he is trying to protect our Earth. For this purpose He founded the Tesla Motors company. The main goal of the Tesla company is to produce electric cars that are as powerful and economical as they are environmentally friendly. The first electric vehicle produced by the company, of which Elon Musk is the CEO, is the Tesla Roadster.

The Tesla Roadster was an expensive vehicle and sold a total of 2500 units. But Elon Musk is already aiming for that. Funding the company with expensive vehicles like the Tesla Roadster and with this capital, it wants to produce vehicles that the public can easily buy. For this purpose, they also sell electric motors and power units to companies such as Mercedes and Toyota.

Before saying what to do, Elon Musk is also taking action in different areas:

Elon Musk

Elon Musk, who is obsessed with fighting global warming, SolarCity, the largest solar energy company in the USA He is also chairman of the board of directors. At this point, Tesla Motors and SolarCity cooperate and develop electric vehicle batteries to reduce the load given by electric vehicles to the city grid.

Elon Musk in 2016 He founded the neurotechnology company Neuralink. Neuralink company aims to combine the human brain with artificial intelligence. The company’s biggest goal is to eliminate these problems of paralyzed, visually impaired and hearing impaired people with technology and to help them live as healthy individuals thanks to artificial intelligence technologies.

Founded by Elon Musk in 2016 There is another company called The Boring Company. The purpose of this company is to build tunnels. The tunnel they built under the Las Vegas Convention Center and was finished in 2020 was their most important work. For some reason, the company sold 2,000 flamethrowers in 2018. Elon Musk says he got the idea in the 1987 movie Spaceballs.

Let’s summarize, who is Elon Musk?

Elon Musk

At this point, some readers may also want to know about Elon Musk’s private life. However, Musk, who obviously had a difficult childhood, It is the task of psychologists to examine his traumatic family and personal life. Otherwise, no normal person would do drugs and curse the Tham Luang rescue operation chief on a live broadcast.

When we examine the work of Elon Musk, it is actually accepting that this world will perish and that we must go to space We see that he is an engineer, but also a businessman who tries to protect this world as best he can.

Since fossil fuels pollute the world, they are establishing a solar energy system, it produces electric cars because oil wars will break out, He digs underground tunnels because he thinks that the earth will become uninhabitable one day, and he conducts space studies because he believes that one day this world will become truly uninhabitable. The new is not called the real Iron Man for nothing.

Love it or not, with his work who have left and will leave important traces in the history of the world Who is Elon Musk We answered his question and talked about his work without going into his private life. You can share your thoughts about Elon Musk and his work in the comments.

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