Who, How and When Discovered the Buoyancy of Water First?

One of the physics principles that we accept indisputably today is the buoyancy of water. Although this scientific fact, which is considered as a fundamental point in many fields, especially in shipping, has been known for hundreds of years, there is a scientist who also discovered it. Let’s take a closer look at who found the buoyancy of water.

While invention means producing something that does not exist; Discovery means finding something that already exists in nature. So Newton had gravity before the apple fell on his head. Just like the buoyant force of water. The buoyant force of water is one of the physics principles that we accept without question today. This scientific fact is an important principle used in many fields, especially in shipping.

So, who found the buoyancy of water? The buoyancy of water was found without the need for any scientific research because it was so visible to the naked eye. For this reason, we are sure that it will not surprise anyone that this fact was discovered hundreds or even thousands of years ago. Bride Who discovered the buoyancy of water? Let’s take a closer look and see the important details about this physics principle.

Who discovered the buoyancy of water?

We can describe him as a mathematician, physicist, astronomer, philosopher and engineer who lived between 287 and 212 BC. Archimedes; He is the person who finds the buoyant force of water. The inventor of many inventions and discoverers throughout history is controversial, but everyone agrees that it was Archimedes who found the buoyancy of water.

How did Archimedes find the buoyancy of water?


Archimedes was bathing one day. While bathing in a bath similar to Turkish baths he was deep in thought and was already making up theories about water, which he had been thinking about for a long time. As soon as he dropped the bath bowl he used for washing on the puddle, a spark flashed in his mind and he finally found the buoyancy of water.

Discovering this thing before his eyes excited Archimedes so much that he threw himself into the street without even bothering to get dressed. Archimedes, running shaking the bowl in his hand, ancient greek ‘I found’ meaning, Evreka read as eureka she was shouting. In other words, Archimedes was aware that he had made a discovery that would change the world that day.

So, did things really turn out like that? Unfortunately It’s not fair to say anything about whether this story is real or fake. After all, we are talking about an event that happened thousands of years ago. However, considering that the scientists of the period were doing research at the level of obsession, it can be considered normal for them to give extraordinary reactions as a result of such a great discovery.

Let’s get to know Archimedes:


Archimedes lived between 287 and 212 BC in Siracusa, Sicily, which is located in today’s Italy. Although many people know him for finding the buoyancy of water, he is actually himself. the first and most important scientist of the ancient world He has done important work to earn his title.

Archimedes; He is known as a mathematician, physicist, astronomer, philosopher and engineer. Because thousands of years ago He laid down some basic principles that are accepted even today in the fields of mechanics, hydrostatics, mathematics and geometry. Of the dozens of works he wrote, only 9 original copies have survived to the present day.

What is the buoyant force of water?

buoyant force of water

The buoyancy of water is also known as the buoyancy principle and the Archimedes principle. According to this principle When a solid object enters water, it is pushed up with a force equal to the water it displaces. In other words, water pushes the less dense objects up. The principle of buoyancy applies to many liquids and gases.

buoyancy The formula is F = V xd. So the buoyant force is equal to the sinking times the overflowing liquid. As the volume of the sinking object increases, the thrust force that creates the lifting effect also increases. An increase in liquid density also creates an increase in thrust. As the gravitational acceleration increases, the thrust force also increases. Of course, these are only the basic properties of the buoyancy of water.

How did the buoyancy of water change history?


The reason why ships can move through water is that they are built on the principle of buoyancy of water. Considering this fundamental principle of physics, much larger ships were allowed to advance on the water. As we all know, these big ships paved the way for many developments, especially the discovery of new continents throughout history.

It is a fundamental physics principle accepted by everyone today. Who found the buoyancy of water and how? We answered the frequently asked questions and talked about what you need to know about the buoyancy principle. You can share your thoughts about Archimedes’ story in the comments.

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