Which Competitors Do Companies Lose Employees the Most?

While hundreds of thousands of offers go to big companies every year, have you ever wondered where those who leave these companies go?

Especially artificial intelligence The emergence of new fields such as has led companies to turn to such fields and look for qualified personnel. Employees of companies trying to close this gap are also trying to find the most suitable position for themselves. Of course, naturally, the technology sector; Apple, Meta and Google Leading companies such as are the companies with the highest employee mobility.

The companies in question, which carry out different actions on similar issues, may either grab employees from each other or, on the contrary, compete to offer the most suitable work environment for their employees. They can lose their employees to each other. Switch on Business This mobility is observed in his study.

Percentage of employees in the company who have worked at other companies:

Company Percentage of employees who have worked elsewhere
Meta 26.51%
Google 24.15%
Salesforce 20.66%
Nvidia 17.48%
Adobe 14.17%
Microsoft 13.86%
Netflix 13.03%
oracle 8.02%
Apple 5.70%
Tesla 4.77%
uber 4.40%
Intel 3.60%
Amazon 3.20%
IBM 2.28

Google although in percentage Although it is behind Meta, we can see it at the top of the list because it has more employees. Because 38,316 employees had previously worked for a different technology giant.

When we look at the actual number of employees, the real picture emerges.

Number of employees in other companies

Company Number of employees who worked in a different location
Google 38,316
Microsoft 27,246
Amazon 18,948
Apple 16,869
Meta 15,527
oracle 12,730
Salesforce 12,517
IBM 6,343
Adobe 4,935
Nvidia 4,542
Intel 4,439
uber 4,145
Tesla 2,976
Netflix 2,048

Looking at this data prepared by SoB from LinkedIn history, it is a huge company. IBM’sIt seems that it employs a relatively small number of ’employees who have worked elsewhere’ compared to those on the list. The reason for this is that IBM supports employees at every point, from internship to full-time employment.

A few interesting data obtained from the list are as follows:

  • 12,018 former Microsoft employee, currently works at Google. The company most preferred by employees is again Google.
  • Apple’s from Intel 4,773 employee is included.
  • Meta; Although Microsoft hired many employees from Amazon and Google, it still employs the most employees. losing it to Google.
  • IBM employees also feel largely at Microsoft They find it. There are 7,937 employees within Microsoft who came from IBM.

What is undoubtedly happening is that these companies receive hundreds of thousands of job applications annually. But aside from the fact that it is difficult to distinguish the truly qualified among them, on retaining employees Serious steps like IBM’s need to be taken.


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