Where Will the Energy in Your Body Go When You Die?

Death is an inevitable process for every living thing. A person loses all his/her functions when his/her life ends. What about the energy in our body? Just as our entire body is buried in the ground, will our energy also go under the ground and disappear?

In fact, we think that the energy that powers our body belongs entirely to us. According to this logic, when we die, the energy accumulated in our bodies should also disappear. However, at this point, science We do not own the energy, but the energy owns us. expresses.

“How?” If you are one of those who say, What happens to the energy in our bodies after death? Let’s clarify the question.

Currently, the human body consists of matter and energy.

This energy in our body are both electrical (signals and impulses) and chemical (reactions). In fact, the same applies to plants, which enable the production of energy from sunlight and are supported by the process of photosynthesis.

But energy production process in humans It is much more complex. For example, imagine that at any given moment there is 20 watts of energy flowing through your body, enough to power a light bulb.

This energy is obtained in many different ways and is usually Getting from foods that provide chemical energy It is possible. The chemical energy is then converted into kinetic energy and used to power the muscles.

As we are generally familiar with from thermodynamics, energy cannot be created or destroyed. It just changes situations.


Again, the total amount of energy in an isolated system cannot change. Thanks to Einstein, matter and energy, so to speak, two steps of the same ladder We can say that it is.

The universe as a whole is closed, but the human body and other ecosystems are open systems. In other words, we can exchange energy with our environment. Can gain energy through chemical processes, by expelling waste or radiating heat We may lose.

Let’s talk about what happens to the energy in the body after death.

After a person dies, the energy in his body goes to the environment, where the energy of all organisms goes after death. The energy stored in a person’s body when he dies, It is released in the form of heat and is harmful to creatures (worms, bacteria, etc.) and plants that eat us when we are buried. is transferred. When the body is burned, this energy is released in the form of heat and light.

When we eat dead animals or plants, We consume their energy and, in a sense, transform it for our own use. Foods are metabolized as they are digested; Chemical reactions release the energy needed for living things to live, move and reproduce. This energy exists in the form of heat energy and chemical energy.

While it is true that metabolic processes in humans and other organisms produce very low-level electrical currents, their production stops when the organism dies.


Electric current stops because the source of energy disappears. This situation can be thought of as a bulb going out when the electricity is turned off. It takes years for the energy left behind by a dead person to return to the environment as nutrition, in a sense. The remaining energy dissipates shortly after death and it would not be possible to find it even after years.

Our other content on physics and energy:


What Did Einstein Actually Mean with the Statement “God Doesn’t Play Dice”?


What is Kinetic Energy, How Does It Difference From Potential Energy?


Does Science Take the Concepts of “Feminine and Masculine Energy”, which have been on the agenda lately, seriously or does it just laugh it off?


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