Where is Türkiye in the World Happiness Ranking?

The World Happiness Report, published regularly, reveals the happiness levels of countries. Let’s see where our country is in terms of happiness according to this report.

The last one published by WellBeing International in 2022 World Happiness Report, It reveals the level of happiness on a global scale by measuring the happiness of people around the world.

In this report, countries per capita income, social support, healthy life expectancy, freedom of life choices, generosity and corruption They are scored based on their perception and their happiness levels are determined depending on the scores they receive. Let’s start examining the results of this research conducted on 146 countries, including Turkey.

When we look at the happiest countries, we see that Finland ranks first.

The 10 happiest countries To list:

1. Finland (7821 points)

2. Denmark (7636 points)

3. Iceland (7557 points)

4. Switzerland (7512 points)

5. Netherlands (7415 points)

6. Luxembourg: (7404 points)

7. Sweden (7384 points)

8. Norway (7365 points)

9. Israel (7364 points)

10. New Zealand (7200 points)

If we look at the countries at the end of the list, it seems that the unhappiest country is Afghanistan.

the unhappiest countries

According to the reportn 10 unhappy countries To list:

1. Afghanistan (2404 points)

2. Lebanon (2955 points)

3. Zimbabwe (2995 points)

4. Rwanda (3268 points)

5. Botswana (3471 points)

6. Lesotho (3512 points)

7. Sierra Leone (3574 points)

8. Tanzania (3702 points)

9. Malawi (3750 points)

10. Zambia (3760 points)

What about Türkiye? We rank 112th among 146 countries!

Türkiye happiness

Our country was included in the list with 4744 points from this evaluation. 112th place gets involved.

When we examine the list, we see that happiness is Below countries like Iran and Ghana It looks like we’re staying.

Anyway at least Most African countries without history let’s say…

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