Where Does “OK” Come From? – Webtekno

No matter which country you are a citizen of, whether you know English or not, there is a word we use in common around the world: “OK”. We all use it, but how many of us know where it comes from?

What we sing in the most popular songs, for example Michael Jackson’s ‘enivicivokke’ “Annie, are you OK? (Annie, are you okay?)” in a song or a on the control button We may even encounter the word “OK”.

In this content, we also cover the issues that occur in every aspect of our daily lives. Theories about where the word “OK” comes from We will explain so that we can be cultured and have new information to sell in the media.

Let’s start from the basics: What is “OK”?

There are even finger representations of the word “OK”, which is used as a sign of approval, acceptance, agreement and even consent. It is so popular in the world “the most frequently spoken or written word on the planet” It is defined as .


Even just “okay” not remaining as “okie dokie”, “okay”, “hokay”, “kay” It is also used with various alternatives such as. This much a popular word Where it comes from is open to debate.

For the first theory, we go back to the 19th century.

According to the most common theory, the origin of “OK” is “oll korrect” It is based on the statement. In the mid-19th century, there was a fashion for shortening words. For example “going Texas” instead of saying “GT” was being used. Most abbreviated expressions are with spelling errors It was full.

Meaning “completely true” “oll korrect” or “ole kurreck” At that time the expression It was a popular and slang expression. Actually. Thus, it was shortened to “OK” and thus it became a word that has a place in our lives.

Another theory, interestingly enough, is based on Native Americans.

The language of the Choktaws, an Indian tribe, was “Choktaw”. in this language “Yes” or “Ok” for the word “okeh” or “okay” The word was used.

This word was also used in the American Civil War. It was popular among soldiers. That’s why there is a belief that “OK” comes from the Choktaw language.

Now we are going to a completely different place from the Choktaw language… How about German, Czech or French?


Some theories also suggest the origin of the word “OK” It comes from French, German or Czech languages. pointing out.

Especially in German “alle korrekt (everything is true)” statement strengthens this theory, but still It is not enough to prove and this remains in theory.

The theory most supported by linguists is the first one. So which one makes the most sense to you? We are waiting in the comments!


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