What’s the Secret to the Low Gravity in This Region in Canada?

Incredibly, gravity is much less in Canada’s Hudson Bay than in other places! So, what kind of feature could it have that makes it different from other regions on Earth?

Scientists who mapped the Earth’s global gravitational fields in the 1960s distinguished Hudson Bay from other regions. in a completely different color They marked it because there was very little gravity here. We can also say that if you slip in the Hudson, you are less likely to crash than in other parts of the world.

How could such an interesting thing be possible? Even though we’re not a Neil deGrasse Tyson We will explain as much as we can.

First, let’s take a simple look at how gravity works.

To put it briefly, gravity is an attraction based on mass and distance. The more mass, the greater the gravity. As distance increases, gravity decreases. In other words, the reason why we fall to the ground when we lose our balance is, The mass of the Earth is pulling us down.

Also basically, the more mass beneath us, the greater the gravity, but the further away we get from something, the less gravity has an effect. So if we lose our balance somewhere far from Earth We don’t retreat to the ground and fall We can also say.

According to the first theory, the reason for the low gravity in the region is related to “heat dissipation” or “transfer”.


The layer 100 km below the ground is a kind of “cover” of the Earth, and this “cover” is filled with hot magma. Magma is not stable, It constantly turns and twists. The reason why magma is in motion is “heat convection”. Heat from the Earth’s core heats the magma and expands it, and as it expands, it becomes lighter.

So it starts to float upwards and pushes the cooler magma downwards. Eventually this magma heats up and does the same thing. The same cycle repeats over and over. This “heat convection” current, It could pull down the Earth’s tectonic plates. So if the plates pull down in areas like Hudson Bay, there is less mass underneath. As we mentioned, this causes less gravity.

Another theory dates back to the Ice Age.

ice age

Going back to the Ice Age, we would see that what is today Canada and the northern United States were covered in huge sheets of ice. These very thick ice sheets are about Melted 10,000 years ago and left a huge dent behind. The massive cave-in pushed some of the soil sideways.


We can also say this: if you stand where that pit is, you will be closer to the Earth’s gravitational center and less mass It is possible. Although the closer we get to something, the stronger the gravity, the loss of gravity due to the decrease in mass in this region is much greater than the gravity gain from approaching the center of the Earth!

So which of these theories can we say is more correct?


In fact, we can say that not only one of the theories, but both of them play a role in the low gravity in Hudson Bay. In fact, geophysicists at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in the USA say that both factors half as effective He says it is.

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