What’s on Killa Hakan’s phone?

In this episode of our “What’s on your phone?” video series, our guest was the famous rap artist Killa Hakan, known for his unique style. Which phone does Killa Hakan use? Here is the answer


“What do you think about Turkish rap?” “Everything for me!” Killa Hakan stated that he was pleased that Turkish rap music was now accepted. Additionally, she said that there are strong rap artists in Turkey.

On the other hand, the famous rap artist is currently using iPhone 13 Pro. Saying about TikTok, “It is not something everyone can do,” Killa Hakan says that he does not actively use his smartphone. The famous name only checks his e-mails, apart from social media applications, on his smartphone.

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Killa Hakan was born in Berlin, Germany, on March 3, 1973, as the child of a family that emigrated from Trabzon to Germany in the 1960s. Killa Hakan is also the son of national wrestler Ali Rıza Durmuş. Killa Hakan, who adopted the ghetto lifestyle, struggled with difficulties from a young age.

Although he was born and raised in Germany, he proved his music in our country and in Europe by rapping in Turkish instead of foreign lyrics. So much so that Killa Hakan achieved great success by staying in the Top 10 list on MTV Germany for 15 weeks.

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