What’s on Atakan Özyurt’s phone?

This time, our guest was Atakan Özyurt in our “What’s on your phone?” video series. What’s on Atakan Özyurt’s phone in the video? We answered your question. The new and entertaining video of our beloved series is with you.

What’s on Atakan Özyurt’s phone?

Hakkı Alkan met with Atakan Özyurt at the SDN office. In the meeting, we looked at what happened on Özyurt’s phone, who uses an iPhone while having a pleasant conversation. If you wish, let’s leave you alone with the video without further ado.


Selen Özyurt YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@selenozyurt
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Özyurt, who uses very simple and functional applications, uses Google and Microsoft applications more often than Apple applications.

Atakan Özyurt, who sincerely shows the applications on his phone in our video, emphasizes that he makes all the payments manually and notes the things to be done on the calendar.

In the video, the photo he sent to everyone at the airport via AirDrop gave colorful moments.

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