What’s in the box with Ümit Erdim?

We put the technological products we prepared in our office in the box in order. Actress, presenter and YouTuber Ümit Erdim, accompanied by SDN Founder Hakkı Alkan, tried to guess the products he had not seen. Fun images emerged. What are the products in the box?

Did Ümit Erdim get it right?


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Ümit Erdim was the guest of Hakkı Alkan at the SDN office. “What’s in the Box?” featured in the video series.

Ümit Erdim, who will win the products he guessed correctly, tried to guess the products with his hands without seeing the products. Trying different products from each other, Erdim succeeded in knowing the most difficult products.

Our team even put raw meatballs to complicate things, but Ümit Erdim guessed correctly by sticking the raw meatballs on the top of the box.

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