What’s in the box with Nahya impersonating President Erdogan?

Nahya, who imitated the voice of President Erdogan on social media, was the guest of our editor Samet Jankovic at the SDN office. The classic and popular “What’s in the Box?” What did Nahya know in our series?

What’s in the box with Nahya impersonating President Erdogan?


Click here to access Muhammed Nahya Instagram account

Click here to access Muhammed Nahya YouTube account

Nahya, who guessed correctly, tried to guess the products with her hands without seeing the products. By trying different products, Nahya managed to know the most difficult products to know.

Muhammed Nur Nahya, who almost exactly imitates President Erdogan’s voice and facial expressions, has become one of the most talked about and wondered names recently. Muhammed Nur Nahya, originally from Şanlıurfa, graduated from Yeditepe University, Department of Pharmacy.

Muhammed Nur Nahya, a native of Şanlıurfa, shoots imitation videos on Tiktok. In a statement on her Tiktok account, Nahya stated that she made the videos for humor and entertainment. Muhammed Nur Nahya’s Tiktok account can be found under the username “@nahyabey”.

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