What’s Happening in the XRP and SEC Case? – Cryptokoin.com

Payments giant Ripple and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) have sent out summaries of responses to each other’s motions for summary resolution. Both parties talk about the parts of the abstracts they want to be edited and the documents submitted. Also, the Hinman documents critical to the Ripple case are now on file. Analysts say that if XRP breaks the $0.55 level, the uptrend will reverse.

Ripple Litigation: Advisor confirms Hinman documents have been procured

Payments giant Ripple is one step closer to victory in its battle against the US regulator, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). On October 21, Ripple general counsel Stuart Alderoty confirmed on Twitter that after eighteen months and six court orders, they finally have the William Hinman speech and documents.

Speech by William Hinman, Former Director of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Corporate Finance Division, and related documents are currently in the custody of Ripple’s attorney. Ripple general counsel Stuart Alderoty confirmed that they now have the documents, including the Hinman speech, in which the former SEC executive commented on Ethereum’s non-securities status. It took eighteen months and six court orders to obtain these documents. After all this, the lawyer is now able to access the documents. Regarding the matter, Alderoty said:

It was worth the fight to get them. I’ve always felt good about our legal discussions. I feel even better now. I’ve always had a bad feeling about the SEC’s tactics. Now I feel even worse about them.

Ripple, one step closer to victory, a turning point for the price?

The attorney battled over documents related to Hinman’s 2018 speech to prove a point in Ripple’s defense. The financial regulator did its best to keep the documents out of discussion and out of reach of Ripple advisor. However, the situation has now changed.

Thanks to the defense, speech and access to related documents, it’s possible for software giant Ripple to be the winner of the lawsuit. Now he will struggle to gain this position. SEC v. The latest update in the Ripple case is that both parties have submitted summaries of responses to each other’s actions for summary judgment. They also submitted a large number of documents. They also discussed the parts of the summaries they would like to be edited.

Fans argue that software giant Ripple is in a strong position. Meanwhile, details of the briefings are scheduled to be made public on Monday. Crypto analyst and trader alias FeraSY1 says that XRP will regain its bullish momentum. In this direction, he notes that if the altcoin exceeds the $0.55 level, a trend will reverse.

XRP price chart

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