What would the price be if the world were sold?

Only -for now- a unique planet in the huge universe: Earth. So much so that no sign of life has yet been found on another planet. So Earth is priceless to us. But is it really so?

Although almost all objects on our planet have a price, it is not correct to call the Earth an object, to set a price tag. But if we were to set a price for Earth, how much would it be? Or let’s make ourselves a world how much would it cost us?

After this idea started spinning in our minds, we researched it. Indeed, we found people calculating this. Moreover, one of the names who made this calculation is an astrophysicist. If you are considering buying a planet; to buy Earth, the most suitable planet for you You better start saving money. Because the price of this planet is very costly.

Is it truly priceless to the world?

There are countless beauties in the world and all these beauties are gathered. 2 types of ecosystems with 9 different biomes we have. All of them, of course, are invaluable to us because we meet many of our needs for our survival from Earth’s own resources.

If we want to set a price for our planet; everything we see and cannot see on earth we must take into account. For example, our financial assets, virtual assets and even even the age of the earth We have to include it in this. However, you can guess that we will never be able to determine an exact figure for these. We need to include websites, coins, mountains, seas, plains and many more that come to mind.

While investigating how much all this could cost, we saw that many studies have been carried out on this subject and evaluated it from a different perspective. Calculated how much the world could cost.

Does this price include VAT?

price of the world

Laughlin considered a number of criteria to set a price to Earth and made the final estimate. $5.5 quadrillion it happened. So how did astrophysicist Laughlin determine this price? Actually, the answer is pretty obvious.

What do you look for before buying a car? Like many people, it’s probably based on its design, size, how much fuel it burns, how old it is, its interior, engine, etc. you see, don’t you? That’s exactly what Greg Laughlin did. He priced the Earth according to its age, temperature, size, mass and natural resources. That is, the Earth as just “a planet”, compared to other planets.

Our global wealth is $463.36 trillion.

global wealth

Sweden-based investment bank Credit Suisse, With its Global Wealth Report, which it has been publishing every year for 16 years, It makes predictions about all our financial and non-financial assets. According to last year’s report, on the world A fortune of $463.6 trillion lies.

Even the cost of humanity is clear.


Richard A. Posner conducted a cost-benefit analysis for the Relavistic Heavy Ion Collider in his book Risk and Response. However, when performing this analysis, the collider the possibility of ending humanity also had to be taken into account.

For this reason, Posner is also in the possible disaster scenario. the cost of humanity’s extinction he calculated. So he could see how big the risk was for people. Not Earth’s habitability, mass, and other properties like Greg Laughlin; He considered the “cost of the human race”.

So a much more superficial result emerged: for each human life. 50 thousand dollars. This too a total cost of 600 trillion dollars for all people who live and will live meant.

If you’re annoyed by this calculation by Posner, you’re not alone. After the publication of his book, we can say that he received a lot of reaction because of these sentences. It is clear that there is no price to be paid for human life. He is also that a rough and unrealistic calculation Of course he admits that. However, it also gives us the last factor we need to calculate. Because we cannot imagine a world without humans.

So if we add up all these numbers, can we find the price of the whole Earth?


It is not correct to look at the Earth only as a planet or to make a calculation based on the people living on it. It is wrong to set a price for the world on its own anyway. However, since we started, then we decided to calculate how much we would pay the whole world.

Greg Laughlin told us that the Earth how much does it cost as a planet he said. Credit Suisse on Earth the value of our financial and non-financial assets; Richard A. Posner, on the other hand, although not very well received. the cost of humanity he said.

So if we add up all these numbers, we can estimate how much price tags the Earth as a whole might have. This is about $7.1 quadrillion it does.

If we had that much money, would it be possible for us to buy Earth?

Could we buy the world?

Of course it would still not be possible. There is no human being who has reached this wealth yet on our planet. I think that if there was someone with such great wealth on Earth; It would be something like the owner of the world. Because, although the perception of “power” has been constantly changing since the beginning of humanity, it is now strengthfor many people “money” means. That’s a lot of money It would bring much greater power.

Maybe in a parallel universe He really bought the world There could be a much richer Elon Musk. However, such a thing seems unlikely in the world we know because Even Elon Musk’s fortune is $ 164 billion. So even to buy one Earth with nothing on it, it’s about approx. 33,536 Elon Musk wealth should have.

Thus The world is not a private property. For this reason, it is not possible to buy or sell. (Except for Elon Musk in the parallel universe, it is unclear what he will do.)


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