What Would the Avenger Movie Filmed in the 90s Look Like? [Video]

A concept trailer released by a YouTuber named StryderHD a few months ago has become a trending topic on social media in recent days. The video uses artificial intelligence to imagine The Avengers as a movie shot in the ’90s starring different actors.

Generative AI enables the creation of things we could only dream of before. One of them was that the films were shot with different actors in different periods. We have seen a lot of videos shot in this style in the last few years.

YouTuber, known for creating concept videos with artificial intelligence called StryderHD, was also producing such content. Famous YouTuber said in a video that went viral on social media recently:What would it be like if Avengers was a movie shot in the 90s with different actors? He answered the question.

What would the Avengers movie, shot in the 90s, starring Tom Cruise, Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp, look like?

This video was actually uploaded a few months ago, but it has been trending on social media for a few days. When we look at the concept trailer, which is around 2 and a half minutes long, we can see that it has achieved successful results.

Instead of the Avengers actors we know, different famous actors were also used in the video. For example, who was considered for the role at the time Tom CruiseIron Man appears as. on the other hand Nick Fury as Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt as Captain America, Leonardo DiCaprio as Spider-Man, Johnny Depp as Doctor Strange, Denzel Washington as Black Panther, Angelina Jolie as Black Widow, Jim Carrey as Loki, Charlize Theron as Captain Marvel, Keanu Winter Soldier as Reeves We see it as.

It would truly be a dream come true for fans to see such great actors come together. The only downside of the acclaimed video is that the current versions of the actors are used. Better results would have been achieved if the 90s versions were included instead. Still, we can say that it was successful.


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StryderHD, which has 357 thousand subscribers, has many videos of this type. In one video, Star Wars is imagined to be shot today, while in another video, Justice League is imagined as a movie shot in the 80s. to the channel link here You can reach via .

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