What would iPhone prices be without SCT?

The price of electronic devices is increasing day by day. The main reason for this is inflation, the dollar rate and high taxes. However, it has come to the fore to remove the SCTs taken from smartphones and computers for a one-time shopping. Well, if this situation were implemented, how would it work and how much would the iPhone prices be?

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Here are iPhone prices without SCT

There are several different taxes in iPhone prices that we do not know. For example, in addition to SCT and VAT, there are two other deductions in the fee we pay, namely the TRT banderol and the Ministry of Culture.

iPhone prices

When we look at the total, we see that 50 percent SCT and 18 percent VAT are collected over the tax-free price. The TRT banderole fee is 10 percent, and the Ministry of Culture’s share is 1 percent. As a result, we can say that 96.65 percent of the tax-free sales price of a smartphone is taxed.

In other words, the tax-free sales price of a smartphone worth 19 thousand 650 TL is 10 thousand TL. So how much are iPhone prices without SCT?

iPhone 13 Pro 128GB

price of the phone 24 thousand 999
tax free price 12 thousand 712
Ministry of Culture (1 percent) 127
TRT bandrole (10 percent) 1,284
SCT (50 percent) 7 thousand 062
VAT (18 percent) 3 thousand 813
Total tax (96.65 percent) 12 thousand 286
price without excise duty 17 thousand 938 TL

iPhone 13 Pro Max 128GB

price of the phone 27 thousand 999 TL
tax free price 14 thousand 238 TL
Ministry of Culture (1 percent) 142.38 TL
TRT bandrole (10 percent) 1,438 TL
SCT (50 percent) 7 thousand 909 TL
VAT (18 percent) 4 thousand 271 TL
Total tax (96.65 percent) 13 thousand 760 TL
price without excise duty 20 thousand 90 TL

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