What would happen if we didn’t have nails? – Webtekno

Think about it, how much does it hurt if our nails are broken, right? Have you ever thought of a scenario where they didn’t exist?

These small and hard structures in our fingers are not only for aesthetic purposes; It also performs a number of important functions in our daily lives. In fact, they are obliged to fulfill it.

for a moment that our nails are gone let’s imagine. This wouldn’t just be an aesthetic loss, right?

We, unlike other mammals, have nails.

“But mammals also have nails?” You may say, you are right, they have it too. But theirs acts like a claw and is nothing like a human’s. Our nails, which grow on average 3.47 mm per month, are not what they appear to be in any mammal.

Let’s come to the scenario where there are no nails… While we are turning the pages of a book or scrolling up and down on the phone in your hand, our nails are the real hero of this, that is, fine motor skills. In a situation where they probably aren’t our motor skills could not complete its development.

Our fingers are not enough to grasp small objects.

People who are used to long nails often when they cut their nails He cannot text on his phone for a while. The reason for this is related to motor skills. Because nails perform these delicate tasks for us.

On the other hand, we receive important signals about our health from our nails. Vitamin deficiency when we see a white color We can easily understand that there is a problem with our health when we see a color change. If we didn’t have nails, we would be late in noticing our potential problems.

Therefore, it also invited bacteria.


The easiest place to catch bacteria is hands. For this reason If we didn’t have nails We would get sick more and contract countless viruses and bacteria. There is still a risk of infection if the necessary care is not taken, but when we consider a scenario where we do not have nails, this is less likely.

And let’s come to the most crucial part: The pain threshold.

When you stub your toe on the table or door, how much Remember that it hurts. And suppose you experience this without quotation marks. It probably felt like unbearable pain just thinking about it.

Even though our nails look like they are just standing there, they are actually They ease our pain threshold as much as possible. These small limbs, which act as a defense mechanism against injuries, have a much more important place in our lives than we think.

Be you, Don’t forget to pay attention to your hygienenone of us want to experience these negative scenarios.

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