What will the PlayStation console look like in the future?

As technology continues to develop and transform, the devices we constantly use continue to surprise us with their new appearances. So what will the devices we play games on look like 10 years from now? Sony showcased what its technology could turn into in 10 years with its newly released video. A detail in the video he published immediately caught the attention of game lovers. A futuristic PlayStation console…

The video, published under the title Sony’s Creative Entertainment Vision, opens with a woman trying to model a character by first drawing traditionally. “So how far will imagination take us?” After the sentence, we are teleported to 10 years later when the woman puts on smart glasses.

What will the PlayStation console look like in the future?

After this, we see that the character he drew instantly turns into a three-dimensional model with the help of a pencil. Afterwards, many designs for futuristic devices appear, including the PlayStation console.

Legendary PlayStation games are coming to iPhone!Legendary PlayStation games are coming to iPhone!

Legendary PlayStation games are coming to iPhone!

PlayStation 1 games will be playable on iPhone and iPad thanks to the Gamma emulator. Here are the details.

In the video, only one product managed to attract the attention of the players. This was a PlayStation console connected to a curved screen-like thing that looked like it was floating in the air. So, does this PlayStation console have just a projection or a truly floating screen?

Actually, this question does not need an answer for now. Because this is just a device shown in the video brought to life with special effects. But it still seems fun to imagine. Sony also explained in the subtext of the video that none of the products shown, including the PlayStation console, are directly related to its existing products:

Ten years from now, we will live in a more multi-layered world where physical and virtual realities overlap without borders. If Sony, as a creative entertainment company, were to flood the world with new Kando in that future, what kind of experiential value would it be offering to make it happen?

To explore this question, we conducted a prototyping exercise under the concept of “Creative Entertainment Vision”. By imagining the future through the lens of Sony’s creativity and technology, we present the future as an extension of our lives today. *The content in this video is not directly related to current Sony products or services.

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The video actually divided game enthusiasts into two. Some said that the devices shown were far behind the technology of 10 years later. Some welcomed it with great excitement and curiosity. How do you think we will play games in 10 years?

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