What to Do If A Good University Score Is Not Enough?

We are currently in the university choice period and many people who will be placed in the university are in a confused state. In fact, as we have seen in many issues in society, a person can make his/her choice not individually, but as a society when choosing a university.

So why is the opinion of other people so important for a school that one will go to individually? Especially now that dominates the whole world ‘good university, good job, good career’ When we consider the understanding of the

This is what the students heard from both their families and their surroundings. ‘Get a good college’ pressure it can push many young people to renounce their own desires and work to fit the mold others expect of them. Here lies the answer to the previous question. Do you fail when you can’t go to a good university or does every young person struggle on equal terms to go to a good university? Let’s discuss the social consequences of this good university pressure on young people together.

Contrary to popular belief, going to a good university is not the only criterion for success, but still, it is very important to study at a good university for a quality education.

By definition of good university Generally, it is meant a university with a connection abroad, campus status, academic staff and education quality above the average. Not every young person can go to a university in this definition, so the statement that ‘it is necessary to go to a good university’ may not be met for every young person. Likewise, since many universities are opened in every city today, young people may no longer want to spend a lot of effort to go to a qualified university. Or not everyone can graduate from a good university and do very well. Some graduated from an average university that wasn’t bad. far beyond its potential it can come out.

For example, you may have heard that there are a large number of people who drop out of school and start their own business, start working in a job and become a manager-boss, and turn to the field where they have their talents and become brand giants. So of course, these may seem like extreme examples to the majority of the society, but ‘The only determinant of success is a good university’ I think that young people should be reminded again and again against those who discourage them, as they are examples that show that they are not. The emphasis that a good university should not be the only way to success should not be misunderstood, because a bad university will add almost nothing to young individuals in illuminating their future. In addition, not going to a university at all will not be socially beneficial for a young person if there is no better opportunity in today’s conditions.

Universities are not only professional doors, but also suitable environments for socializing.


It is not right to perceive going to university as just becoming a professional. Because many young people who go to university leave the social environment they are in and switch to another social environment. In fact, his city leaving the culture We can say that we are meeting a new culture.

For example, a young man living in Mardin, given by your heart, When he goes to Edirne to study a part of which his score is sufficient, many other socialization practices will be waiting for him. He will try to keep up with the culture of Edirne and will meet students from other cities like himself, who have many different cultures. Maybe many people will have gained many different perspectives in the conversations about life in the same dormitory room that they shared with other friends they met at university. This is an undeniable part of the social learning that an individual needs in their journey of self-actualization. In other words, introducing only good universities to young people as real universities and excluding all other universities as mediocre ones is a new need for many young people. of socialization would be deprived.

The ‘good university’ discourse can bring a bossy and elitist approach to university studies, but a mediocre university environment does not seem very stimulating.


Categorizing universities as good and bad, most college student candidates have a few universities they can go to, other than those universities It can make it seem unnecessary. Almost all universities in Turkey have the opportunity to do Erasmus, participate in student exchange programs and apply for projects, but how many of them offer young people the opportunity to benefit from these opportunities, for example, this is highly controversial. In other words, it is not necessary to go to a well-known university in order to go abroad, but of course, the prestige of going abroad is always greater through a well-established university.

”University is studied here”, “If you want to go to university, you must go to a good place” Discourses such as these can often cause young people to be forced to graduate. Of course, we are trying to express that the reason most young people do not graduate is the elite image and prestige placed on universities, otherwise we certainly support young people to choose the best for themselves.

When the problem of inequality of opportunity in education is added to the pressure on young people to gain good places, things can get even more difficult.


Unfortunately, every young person preparing for university not in the same economic conditions. For example, a young person with a higher social and economic status can go to private teaching institutions and prepare for the exam fully. However, a young person whose family situation is bad can almost struggle to reach good places with his own effort and effort. The fact that individuals with poor economic status and individuals with high economic status do not prepare for the same exam under equal conditions reminds us once again that entering a good university often requires equal opportunities.


When the university exam results are announced, a person whose result does not come as expected “If he can’t go to a good university, he shouldn’t go at all” encounter such an approach. In short, such an approach is negative and undermining for a young person’s future, because everyone’s development journey is different. The misconception of the majority can prevent a young person from going to a good university, which may not be as prestigious as the others. It is important for young people to work as hard as they can and settle in a good university that they think will positively affect their future. Therefore, it is necessary to guide young people to choose the most suitable university for them. Inspired by Todd Rose’s book ‘The End of Average’, the belief that everyone should grow up to be an average individual. the tyranny of the majorityLet us remind you that no young person who takes a step towards becoming an individual should prevent their future.

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