What Is The Smartest Cat Breed?

Our furry friends, cats, whose social media videos are acting weird enough to go viral, are actually much smarter than we think. Which is the smartest cat breed that can come to the aid of people by perceiving commands as accurately as a dog when trained, let’s examine it through its prominent features.

Throughout history, dogs have lived alongside people they consider alpha and have been our greatest helpers in many ways. The cats just stood to one side. Because cats are not very intelligent creatures by nature. So is it really so? Especially when we look at the studies carried out in recent years that our lovely feline friends are actually as intelligent and trainable as dogs. appeared.

According to science publications such as Psychology Today and Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, cats have 300 million neurons in their cerebral cortex, which govern rational decision making and solving complex problems. Considering that there are 429 million neurons in this region of dogs What is the smartest cat breed? A long list emerges as an answer to the question. The highlights of each are noteworthy.

Which is the smartest cat breed, what are its features? Here are some of the cat breeds that stand out with their intelligence:

  • abyssinian cat
  • siamese cat
  • Burmese cat
  • singapore cat
  • bengal cat
  • Cornish rex
  • Korat cat
  • van cat
  • japanese curly tail
  • Tonkinese

Little detective: Abyssinian cat

Abyssinian cat, one of the medium-sized cat breeds, according to some rumors It was considered the sacred cat of the Egyptian Pharaohs. It is considered one of the smartest cat breeds due to its inquisitive nature and its constant pursuit of something like a detective. Abyssinian cat, which is a breed fond of independence, can play with toys such as jigsaw puzzles for hours without getting tired.

A gossip breed: Siamese cat

siamese cat

The Siamese cat, one of the medium-sized cat breeds, is thought to have emerged in Siam, now known as Thailand, in the early years of the 19th century. This breed was defined by the Cat Fanciers Association in 1934. The most striking feature is that he is very talkative. The Siamese cat, also known as mischievous because it likes to be constantly busy with something, is recommended to people who have more than one cat because it is a social creature.

Loves challenging games: Burmese cat

Burmese cat

The Burmese cat, which draws attention with its sable-like short hair, is thought to be a hybrid of the burma and cooper breeds. The Burmese cat, whose first appearance was in 1930, It stands out for being as energetic as a dog. They love to play with puzzle-like toys and games that will push their body’s limits. Although a social creature, it prefers solitude and is a true lap cat.

A funky prankster: the Singaporea cat

singapore cat

The Singapore cat, one of the small cat breeds, came to the USA from Singapore in 1980. Also known as little love lions, this breed has high energy. The Singaporean cat, which constantly observes its surroundings, is very social, extroverted, playful and even playful. Despite all these features because he doesn’t like loud noises and even gets scared easily It is not very comfortable in crowded houses.

You can walk on a leash on the street: Bengal cat

bengal cat

In 1963, a cat breeder named Jean Mill bred a domestic cat and a wild Asian leopard cat, resulting in the bengal cat. Due to its natural structure This breed loves to run, climb and jump. It draws attention with its easy training and even being able to be walked on a leash on the street. Although he is affectionate most of the time, it has been observed that he adopts habits such as turning off the lights of the house to make his owner uneasy when he feels uneasy.


10 Things You Should Know About Bengal Cats That Have A Wild Leopard Gene Under Their Sweet Appearances

Large family favorite: Cornish rex

cornish rex

In the 1950s, a British shorthair gave birth to a cat with a genetic mutation. When the owner re-breeds this cat with its mother, the cornish rex breed emerged. Cornish rex, has its own unique character. It is as loyal and playful as it is a relaxed animal. You can see it constantly running, jumping, climbing. Although it is not very loud, it is recommended for large families as it is a social creature.

Wary of strangers: Korat cat

korat cat

A breed native to Thailand and culturally thought to bring good luck, the korat cat is considered one of the most loyal cat breeds to its owner. Even if he is overly loving and friendly towards his owner and acquaintances. When he meets someone new, he is skeptical. Korat, one of the most developed cat species with eyesight, hearing and smell abilities, does not like loud noises.

Oh, don’t take it in your arms: Van cat

van cat

Van cat, which is the pride of our country, is one of the smartest cat breeds in the world. Known to be a very clumsy breed, but In the studies conducted, it was seen that the reason for this clumsiness was actually experimentation. So he says, let me drop that glass, let’s see what happens. The Van cat, which has the ability to turn the faucets on and off, although friendly, does not like to be hugged and prefers to play alone.

Like a member of the family: Japanese curly tail

japanese curly tail

The Japanese bobtail, also known as the Japanese bobtail, is one of the oldest known cat breeds. The most characteristic feature of this species, which is thought to have emerged in Japan in the 600s It has a short, small and fluffy tail. Like a member of the family, he watches television with his owner, reads the newspaper, looks at the door, and greets the guest. He can play fetch games because he can carry things with his mouth. With good training, it can even be taught to jump in hoops.

The mind loves stimulation: Tonkinese


The tonkinese, a hybrid that emerged from the mating of Burmese and Siamese races, was defined as a separate species in 1984, although it was defined as a type of siamese in the 19th century. Known as an intelligent, loyal and social cat breed, the tonkinese is not very boisterous and most of the time it likes to lie in a corner or on the lap of its owner. It is recommended to give puzzle toys that will provide intelligence development and to spin these toys to stimulate the mind.

With a good training, he will be seen to be at least as smart as a dog. Answering the question of which is the smartest cat breed, we talked about the characteristics of the breeds. Please note that it is more valuable to own one of the millions of stray dogs and cats looking for a warm home rather than making money for pet traders by buying such special breeds that suffer during their breeding.

If you’d like to check out our other animal-related content:


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