What Is The ‘Silent Resignation’ That Generation Z Makes Often?

‘Silent resignation’, which has become a viral in America and Europe after the pandemic, is now among the concepts frequently spoken on social media in our country. What exactly is this concept that especially the Z generation has led and popularized?

There’s been a lot of talk lately about silent resignation on work platforms like Zoom, Teams, and Slack. Next year, especially because the employees in the European country want to get more satisfaction from the job and think that they deserve better jobs. they’re going out of business what they say is seen.

In fact, this concept means that people who are not satisfied with their jobs, until i find a better job corresponds to the situation where they change their working tempo silently. Then let’s take a look at the reasons for these interesting initiatives of the employees.

Is it just about quitting a job?

Image: Mashable

No, actually, the main thing about this approach is not just quietly quitting, as the name suggests. What is meant here is; work expected of them in the workplace less they start doing. Because they don’t think they get what they deserve. In other words, they may refuse to do the additional work requested from them because they think that “anyhow, no additional payment will be made to me”. In fact, as this situation is talked about a lot among the Z generation on TikTok, young people can also advise each other on this issue.

This situation can also be experienced in the Y generation. However, since it is more common among the Z generation, we can say that it is a concept that can be handled in the focus of this generation. When young people behave like this, their employers ‘lazy’ He talks about what they labeled. However, this concept; We can say that it is based on the idea that people do not want to focus on the work they do in a way that dominates their entire lives. Because, especially in the pandemic, the transition to the process of working from home caused many people to lose the balance between their work and private lives. For this reason, we can say that employees started to rebel against this imbalance by making plans to quit their jobs silently.

In fact, the basic desire of those who do this is to “live a better and more meaningful life”.

Image: Business Insider

People who show this behavior complain that at this point in capitalism in the last 20 years, more work is being demanded from employees than they should do. We can even officially say that it turns into unpaid labor. Because most people stay from overtime There may be cases where they do not even receive money. The reason why this issue mainly occurs in the Z generation; We can say that this generation cannot have a secure job and a regular standard of living as their parents.

Image: Today

As a matter of fact, it has been revealed by researches that those under the age of 35 (this is generation Z and Y) prefer jobs that have the advantage of being able to rise relatively easily. However, young people’s inclination to these jobs can often lead to uncertainties of contracts, permanence at work and ownership of property. Even if these people work too hard to get promotions and bonuses, they are still confronted by their superiors. obstacles can be removed.

One study found that young people are looking for more flexibility and purpose to connect to their work where they work. At the same time, it turns out that they think that this job they do in their social life should provide them with satisfaction. This is why most people to live better They may refuse to work for them and prefer silent resignation.

Quiet resigners no longer allow their bosses to interfere with them.

Image: Fortune

As we mentioned at the beginning, these people do not just leave their jobs, they change tactics even if they continue to work. Most of those who do “If I can’t get my due, then I’ll show my minimum performance” can get into logic. In other words, employees reduce the performance they used to show. In the eyes of employers, this can be understood as shirking work. There is also this: When the high efforts of these people are understood by the person in front of them and that effort is not rewarded with a better position, higher salary or bonus, the self-esteem of the people decreases.

In fact, by behaving like this, these people want to regain the happiness, hope and self-respect they lost in their private lives due to their professional life.

Image: Harvard Business Review

In a study covering the years 2017-2021 in the United Kingdom, it is revealed that more than half of the people lost the balance in their work and private life, and carried their job to their private life. In another study conducted in the same country in 2022, it is seen that only 9% of employees are engaged in their work. So when we look at these studies; This is what employees show to protect their labor. your reaction We can say that it is not quite unfair.

In 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO); He made a statement that he identified fatigue with his business life. According to WHO, fatigue; Burnout is a feeling characterized by the inability to focus mentally and the decrease in performance during work, that is, it is considered as a deformation related to work life. Tiredness, a result of overwork It can adversely affect the psychological and physical health of individuals.

Image: Harvard Business Review

Studies have shown that people who are happy at work more productive and more engaged shows that. Such employees may also compete less with their co-workers as they calmly focus on doing their job. In fact, when companies take this approach, it can make employees more loyal to them. a loyal employee means high profits for the company.

Image: Inc. Magazine

Allowing silent resignation can have negative consequences for most companies. Because this means that the employee of that company has lost his motivation and has already let go. And this, unfortunately, has the effect of indiscipline and lack of motivation within the company on the employee. Because employers are ‘replaceable’ Even if they make a profit in the short term because they look at them as positions, they may experience losses in the long run as the positions they fill are also emptied silently.

For this reason, employers who do not want to lose in the long run have some problems such as taking care of employee welfare, respecting their personalities and private lives, and arranging humanitarian shifts. improvements they need to do. Have you ever tried silent resignation? You can share your experiences and thoughts with us in the comments.

Resources: Nation World News, Istanbul Gelisim University


What Exactly Is the “Quiet Layoff” That Has Been Talked About Among Generations Y and Z Lately?

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