Each mobile device emits a certain amount of radiation around it, and this emission is expressed by the SAR value. We answered questions such as what exactly the SAR value means, how to learn this value, and what should be the correct SAR value.
All mobile devices that can be used with a GSM line emit radiation to their surroundings at a certain rate. The rate of radiation emitted by mobile devices operating via radio frequency increases with technology. However, each mobile device emits a different rate of radioactive material, and this rate It is indicated by the SAR value.
SAR value, Now a smartphone’s camera is as much a ratio as its RAM value. Because we need to know how much harm our smartphones, which are with us almost at all times, cause us. SAR value may be determined at different rates by different countries. For you What is the SAR value, We answered the questions of what is the ideal ratio and how to learn it.
What is the SAR value?
The Specific Absorption Rate, abbreviated as SAR, is the specific absorption rate of mobile devices operating with radio frequencies. the radiation to which the user is exposed. refers to the rate of absorption by the user. The rate of radiation you are exposed to while talking on the phone or while the phone is in your pocket or bag will vary.
The SAR value disclosed to the user indicates the rate of radiation emitted by the mobile device when operating at maximum power. Often mobile devices do not operate at maximum power. Distance between base station and phone The farther away it is, the more intense the phone will work and the more radiation it emits.
How is the SAR value measured?
You cannot measure the SAR value, which indicates the rate of radiation emitted by mobile devices, by your own means. worldwide in this some trusted organizations there is. The SAR values offered by them are accepted by the whole world.
One of the organizations that measure the SAR value is the Federal Communications Commission of the United States Government, the FCC for short, another the Canadian Government Industry Organization, and another the Council of the European Union. All organizations with a similar method They determine the SAR value.
At the same absorption level as the human head and body, and the same fluids as in humans model is exposed to the radiation emitted by the phone for a long time. The grid-like object inside this model measures the rate of radiation to which the model is exposed. The data obtained represents the highest SAR value absorbed by this model.
What should be the ideal SAR value for smartphones?
In this respect at two different rates evaluation is underway. According to the Federal Communications Commission of the United States Government ideal SAR value is 1.60 W/kg has been determined. The Council of the European Union has determined this rate as 2.0 W/kg.
The point to be noted here is; FCC SAR value Radiation absorbed by 1 gram of human tissue The European Union Council measures the SAR value as the level of radiation absorbed by 10 grams of human tissue. Again no phone is higher than these rates cannot be presented to the user.
Another point to note is that these SAR values the level of radiation emitted by the phone when operating at maximum power it is. That is, even if your smartphone has a high SAR value, it does not always emit that much radiation. Of course, this does not reduce the risk.
How to find out the SAR value of the phone?
- Step #1: Open the GSMArena website here.
- Step #2: Search by typing the make and model of the phone you want to know the SAR value of in the search box.
- Step #3: The phone’s properties page will open.
- Step #4: Find the MISC section in the properties table.
- Step #5: You will see the lines SAR and SAR EU.
- Step #6: You will see the SAR values of the phone as determined by the FCC and EU.
The SAR line indicates the SAR value determined by the Federal Communications Commission of the United States Government, and the SAR EU indicates the SAR value determined by the Council of the European Union. head, that the device spreads to your head area shows the radiation rate, while body shows the rate of radiation emitted by the device to your body.
You can also find out the SAR value of the device by dialing *#07# from the settings section of your phone, the user guide that came out of the phone’s box, or the search section. if see a more detailed report And if you want to see the SAR value of different phone brands and models, you can visit the FCC official website.
High SAR value in 24 hours:
- Dysfunctions in the batteries of people with pacemakers
- Disturbances in the immune system
- Headache and feeling light-headed
- Defects in blood cells
- Temporary and permanent impairments in hearing
- Increased risk of miscarriage in pregnant women
- Feeling of warmth in the ears and ringing at different rates
- Damage to the embryo during the growth stage
- Distraction and concentration impairment
- Ongoing feeling of tiredness and unending stress
- Impaired memory and increased risk of brain tumors
- increased risk of heart disease
- Visual impairment and narrowed field of vision
These disorders are especially common in people who talk on the phone for a long time. The SAR value of your phone has been determined by the Federal Communications Commission of the United States Government and the Council of the European Union. if the ceiling is above These discomforts can start even in the first 24 hours. In the case of long-term exposure, the effects are even greater.
Long-term side effects of high SAR value:
- Severe damage to the blood-brain barrier
- Skin cancer at different stages
- in different phases lymphoma white blood cell cancer called
- Dangerous decrease in sperm count
- Dangerous deterioration in genetic structure
- Chronic hypertension
The aforementioned disorders are frequently seen in people who are exposed to high SAR values for long-term periods such as 10 years. But today, we can evaluate this period as less. because due to increased phone use You are exposed to the radiation emitted not only by your own phone, but also by the phones nearby, to a certain extent and continuously.
Ways of protection from radiation emitted by the phone:
The first and most important point to be considered in this regard is to restrict the use of the phone. Especially children’s phone use should be restricted. Because the SAR values and effects described are for adults. Emitted radiation rates on children what effect exactly unknown, but thought to be much more affected than an exposed adult.
Metal fillings in teeth, glasses made of conductive material, earrings, piercings in different parts of the body can increase the absorption of emitted radiation. Even if you are not using these accessories to reduce the risk put it on speaker or use a headset when talking on the phone. No risk posed by Bluetooth earphones has been identified at this time.
Some phone cases are sold that are said to reduce the rate of radiation emitted by phones to their users. In this respect There is no proven finding yet. Another important method of protection is to stay away from phones when you are not using them. You should definitely put your phone away, especially at night while you sleep, at least you can stay away from this effect during your sleep time.
We have answered questions such as what is the SAR value, how is it measured, and what are the effects. At least from our phones, which are an inseparable part of us. when we are not using Staying a little distance and using headphones while talking on the phone will be the best actions for our health.
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