What is The Graph? What Does GRT Coin Do?

The Graph is an indexing protocol for querying data for networks such as Ethereum and IPFS. In this article, as Kriptokoin.com, “What is The Graph?” We will answer the question. In addition, we will touch on other questions about the project.

What is The Graph? What does it do?

Graph is a decentralized Oracle solution for Web 3.0 that processes data. Subgraphs compare with APIs integrated into programs to retrieve (query) data from blockchains.

According to the website, “Graph Network is a decentralized indexing protocol for organizing blockchain data. Applications use GraphQL to query open APIs called subgraphs and retrieve data indexed on the network. With The Graph, developers can build serverless applications that run entirely on public infrastructure.”

What is GRT coin?

Graph (GRT) is the native token of the network required to coordinate business between three operators and consumers. It allows users to join the protocol themselves to present or receive data.

The token is necessary to ensure the integrity of data as well as the economic security of the network. GRT is locked in by indexers, curators and delegators to provide indexing and curation services such as reliable price feed, trading volume and liquidity data. Active indexers, curators, and grantors can generate revenue over the network in proportion to the amount of work they do and how many tokens they bet.

How does The Graph work?

The network is managed by four groups: indexers, curators, delegates, and consumers.

Indexers are those who want to present data. To do this, they must run a node that requires GRT tokens to stake. If a provider provides incorrect data, they will be penalized and lose part of their deposit. Therefore, the incentive structure strives for accurate information.

Curators decide the trust level of data sources. They signal in subgraphs and tell the indexers which APIs to use. This is done by investing GRT tokens on a subchart and taking a share of the fees.

Agents are participants who invest shares in indexers that contribute to a secure network. They do not process a note, but instead join what already exists. As a result, they receive a share of the node fees.

Finally, consumers are end users who purchase qualitative data. There are commerce platforms and decentralized applications among consumers. They pay indexers and integrate the network’s data into their services or platforms via APIs.

What is The Graph? How to get GRT coin?

The Graph is currently traded on numerous cryptocurrency exchanges. People who want to invest in the project should open an account in one of the exchanges where the project is traded. The exchanges where The Graph is traded are listed as follows: Binance, OKX, Bybit, BTCEX and FTX. Users who want to invest in the project should open an account on one of these exchanges.

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