What is the Function of the Fabric Ring and Button on the Seat Belt?

We all know the importance of seat belts in vehicle safety. Have you ever paid attention to the details on your seat belt?

One of the designs where small details make a difference is the seat belts. rings and buttons.

After learning how these simple-looking items became indispensable for a safe journey The importance of wearing a seat belt You will understand again.

What is the function of the fabric loop on the seat belt?

This small but functional part of your seat belt is actually a energy management cycle. This element of the seat belt system is there to tear during a crash. Thus, resulting from the collision Some of the shock is absorbed.

To provide the seat passenger with an extra few cm of seat belt rips open. In fact, this detail not only absorbs shock but also prevents the risk of tearing the entire seat belt.

Another benefit is that the seat belt buckle is placed on the sides while moving. Preventing constant crashing. You can prevent the buckle from slipping by holding it at the desired height thanks to this ring.

Why isn’t there such a loop on the driver’s seat belt?

seat belt safety button

When you look at the driver’s seat belts, you will see a button instead of this fabric loop. Of course, there is an important reason for this. While the fabric on the passenger belt ensures the safety of the passenger, the absence of it on the driver’s belt actually protects driver safety.

“How?” We seem to hear you say. Let’s explain right away. While a few centimeters of seat belt extension does not cause major inconveniences for passengers, the same does not apply to the driver. By unfastening the driver’s seat belt a little head can be hit on the steering wheel and this causes serious injuries.

Now you know better about saving lives when you look at these little details. Finally, let us point out that these small details It may vary depending on some vehicles. For example, you can see the button detail not only on the driver but also on the rear seat seat belts.

More about seat belts:


Why Don’t We Wear Seat Belts on Public Buses Even though It’s Mandatory in Traffic?


Why are there no ‘seat belts’ on trains, which are mandatory in every vehicle traveling in the air and on land?

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