What Is The DMT Hormone In The Brain, What Does It Do?

Do you believe in the soul? Do you have any scientific proof if you want to leave the belief part aside? The DMT hormone, which is produced by the pineal gland in our brain, especially at the time of birth and death, is called the spirit molecule because it is thought to provide the soul-body relationship. The DMT hormone, which is also used as a narcotic in some cultures, actually saves us from the greatest pain.

We go as deep as we can to solve the mystery of the oceans, we go as high as we can to solve the obscurity of the universe, but we still haven’t fully figured out what’s going on in our brains inside our skulls. The biggest example of this It is the DMT hormone produced in the pineal gland, that is, the pineal gland. The hormone DMT, which is also secreted during sleep, is mainly produced at birth and death.

Because it occurs in two absolute moments of nature, such as birth and death. The DMT hormone is considered mysterious and even sacred. This is why it is also called the soul molecule. The fact that it is produced during sleep, just when we dream, makes this substance much more interesting. What is the DMT hormone, which is obtained from animals and plants in some cultures and used as a drug, let’s take a closer look at what it does.

First of all, let’s make a definition, what is the DMT hormone?

Dimethyltryptamine, or briefly DMT hormone, is produced in the pineal gland or pineal gland in our brain. It is a kind of hallucinogenic chemical substance. In addition to being found in all humans, the DMT hormone is also produced in animals and plants with substances such as 5-methoxy-N, N-dimethyltryptamine and bufotenin.

So what exactly does this DMT hormone do?

Studies have discovered that the DMT hormone is produced at three different times; in sleep, birth and death. The hormone DMT secreted during sleep is produced exactly when we dream. When it occurs in the dream phase, it changes our perception of time. However, there is not a very intense increase in this substance during sleep.

Could it be that the DMT hormone provides the connection between the soul and the body?

The fact that the DMT hormone is secreted during birth and death has been associated with the soul by many environments. According to this belief the substance secreted at birth gives our soul, The substance secreted when we die takes our soul. We don’t know because we don’t remember the birth, but it is thought that it is the DMT hormone that causes the phenomenon of seeing light at the time of death, which is the subject of even movies.

Another interesting detail is related to the pineal gland, which produces the hormone DMT. If you notice, almost everything in our body exists in pairs, The pineal gland is single and located right in the middle of our brain. Also, the pineal gland, also known as the pineal gland, is called the third eye because it secretes such an unusual hormone. That is, it has a spiritual meaning.

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From ancient times to Descartes, everyone has been interested in the pineal gland and the hormone DMT:

Almost all known creatures live with the hormone DMT or secrete the hormone DMT. For this reason, the pineal gland, which secretes the hormone, has attracted attention throughout history and even found its place in the basis of religious belief systems. For example, what is shown as the third eye on the forehead in Buddha figures actually symbolizes the pineal gland.

The symbol called the Eye of Horus in the ancient Egyptian belief system is also thought to be the pineal gland. Even There are statues like this in the Vatican. and a similar symbol is said to have been used on the scepter of the pope. Even more interestingly, according to the 17th century philosopher René Descartes, the pineal gland is the point where the soul and the body meet.

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There are cultures that use drugs and perform rituals:

Since the DMT hormone is a substance secreted during sleep, birth and death, in order to feel its effects. There are cultures that use drugs from different plants. The use of a DMT-based drug, which is obtained from a type of plant, is very popular, especially in the Amazon tribes.

LSD, the most popular chemical drug of the time, also shows similar effects with DMT. In the observations made during shamans’ rituals It was observed that they secreted high levels of DMT. It is not known whether it is secreted naturally or if it is a special substance they take.

At this point, it is useful to open a parenthesis. Our brain secretes this hormone exactly as needed at the time it is needed. It is inevitable that using such a substance will have fatal consequences. Already primitive tribes use it, it is considered illegal in civilized countries.

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How does the DMT hormone increase, is such a thing possible?

When we set aside the deadly illegal drugs, DMT hormone increase is difficult but not impossible. It is possible to increase your hormone secretion with special dream trainings. Similarly using special meditation techniques If you enter a dream state between sleep and wakefulness, it is possible to secrete DMT hormone. Of course, there are those who spend their lives in Buddhist temples to do this, but you should try it anyway, it won’t hurt.

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Let’s solve this mystery, what does the DMT hormone actually do?

We can lose loved ones, get hurt, fight, get fired, get very upset, experience terrible traumas countless times throughout our lives, but we are only born once and die once. In fact, when we look at it from this point of view The biggest traumas in our lives are birth and death. Worse still, we are never ready and terrified because we only experience them once.

In a study whose results were published in the journal Frontiers in the Neuroscience of Aging, The brain activities of a person who died at the age of 87 were examined. Accordingly, at the time of death, our brains exhibited similar activities to those when dreaming, remembering the past, or in intense meditation. In other words, our brain relaxes us during death, and it does this thanks to the hormone DMT.

You are free to believe what you want or think what you want, but if we need to make a comment on the scientific data we have, our brain protects us. As the only living creatures knowing that they will die, we inevitably fear death. Because our brain knows this fear just like a loved one who is with us in our bad moments and holds our hand It secretes the hormone DMT and allows us to overcome this great trauma that we have experienced only once.

secreted by the pineal gland in our brain What is DMT hormone, what does it do, how to increase it We tried to answer such curious questions from the window of science. Who knows, maybe there will be no one with us as we embark on that unknown journey we call death, but it is good to know that our brain is doing its best to comfort us.

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