What is SmartCash? What Does SMART Coin Do? – Cryptokoin.com

What is SmartCash? Built on the Zerocash protocol, SmartCash is a privacy-focused, community-driven cryptocurrency. cryptocoin.com In this article, we will focus on SmartCash. However, we will answer the questions that investors wonder, such as what is SmartCash, what it offers, what is SMART coin, what is it for, how to get it. Now let’s examine together this Blockchain ecosystem, which offers privacy and anonymity to its users.

What is SmartCash?

SmartCash (SMART) is a peer-to-peer (P2P) cryptocurrency that can be used without having to trust a third party. It is easy to use even for people who are not crypto enthusiasts. It also works with a highly compatible structure for traders. The blockchain network offers instant transaction confirmation, double-spend protection, a self-governing, self-funded model and a roadmap. However, the network is Bitcoin-based and compatible with many core components of the Bitcoin ecosystem. In essence, it is built on top of the Zerocash protocol.

Besides being built on the Zerocash protocol, the ecosystem is a community-driven cryptocurrency. Prioritizes privacy and fast transaction times to drive merchant adoption. The defining feature of the project is that it doesn’t even have a foundation or core team. This provides complete decentralization to the project. For those who don’t know, decentralized platforms and assets are much more resistant to censorship and bans.

What is SMART coin? What does it do?

SmartCash (SMART) aims to gain mass acceptance with a fast, anonymous currency. In this respect, it is similar to Dash, another privacy-focused altcoin. However, Dash is somewhat of a central currency, with its Masternode usage and affiliation to the Dash foundation. This is the biggest difference with SMART coin. Smart stands out as an asset that stays away from foundations, core teams, and PoW mining. Instead, the ecosystem implements a set of decentralized governance and development features.

Major investments are made in developments that are voted on by the Group. As a result, SmartCash’s popularity has grown. Users can make P2P transactions confidentially and anonymously in this completely decentralized ecosystem. The project is currently not as popular as other privacy coins such as SmartCash, Dash, Zcash and Monero. However, it continues to attract attention due to its different and special structure.

What is SmartCash? How to get SMART coins?

It is currently traded on cryptocurrency exchanges such as SmartCash, HitBTC, Changelly PRO, EXMO and SafeTrade. Therefore, interested investors must access one of these exchanges to purchase SMART coins. After that, investors must become a member of the exchange and complete the KYC steps. So they can verify their account and transfer funds to their wallets. Investors who deposit an asset in their wallet according to the pairs that SMART trades can place a buy order for the cryptocurrency.

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