What is ShareToken? What Does SHR Do?

ShareToken includes ShareRing app, ShareRing store and ShareRing ID of each user. It is a digital utility Token used to pay for sharing services across industries and geographies on the ShareRing platform. In this article, as Kriptokoin.com, “What is ShareToken?” We will answer the question. In addition to these, we will touch on all the questions about the project.

What is ShareToken? What does SHR do?

ShareRing is an open source Blockchain based platform that uses distributed ledger technology and dual Token mechanism. SHR is a utility currency used in the ShareRing ecosystem. Additionally, SharePay is a stablecoin used to pay for sharing services through the ShareRing platform.

What is the purpose of the project?

According to the developers of the SHR platform; The current service sharing economy is incredibly fragmented, multifaceted. This can be overwhelming for consumers. Using ShareToken on the ShareRing platform gives you secure access to worldwide services. It overcomes this problem by offering a single decentralized marketplace and digital currency that allows you to pay for them.

What are the advantages?

As a BEP2 Token, SHR is secured by the underlying Binance Chain, which uses a Tendermint BFT and dPOS consensus mechanisms to protect against a range of attacks.

  • Access to solutions: Access one-time sports or cultural events, your office or a hotel. Reduce check-in queues by using digital check-in processes. There are many ways to use ShareRing Access solutions.
  • Financial services: The eKYC process, which is streamlined for financial institutions specifically to speed up and improve compliance processes.
  • Trip: Apply for a travel visa. You can book express check-in/registration, taxi, ferry ride or activity.
  • Hire: House/flat rental, car, bike or caravan rental, peer-to-peer rental.
  • Education and employment: Education certification proofs, professional accreditations, employment records, recruitment and HR management.
  • Other daily errands: Market shopping is possible. Order service/takeout, same day local delivery.

What is ShareToken? How to buy SHR?

Exchanges that can be traded with SHR at the moment; KuCoin is Gate.io, ProBit Global, BitGlobal and Binance DEX. To purchase coins, these steps are followed:

First, access the web/mobile application of the XRP-listing exchange you selected as the first step. Then complete the account opening steps of the exchange. Complete the next step, the authentication and approval process. Follow the steps of the exchange, which is the next step, to deposit funds. As the last step, select the XRP Coin with the balance you want and create a purchase order. Store it in your trusted accounts.

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