What is Process, What are Process Concepts?

If you have a close relationship with the business world, you must have heard of the concept of process. Because a workplace needs a process activity no matter what good it produces or what service it offers. Let’s get to know the process a little more closely and see some important concepts.

Producing goods or providing services for a workplace is not an unplanned business. Oftentimes, dedicated employees are required just to do this planning. This is the process. Process, in its broadest definition, refers to the production process. poorly planned process activities While it can bring the end of a workplace, companies can turn into organizations operating worldwide at the end of the right production process.

Process activities can be implemented in a small production site or in a worldwide company. The important thing is to foresee the entire production process of the company and to determine which steps will be implemented and how. The good or service obtained at the end of the process must be more valuable than what was obtained before the process began. Bride Let’s take a closer look at what the process means. and let’s see the important concepts on the subject.

What is process?

Process; as a result of taking an input into the system and the actions applied in certain steps. It is the process of producing a good or service. In other words, the process is to add value to what is available. The tangible or digital inputs available at hand turn into valuable goods or services as a result of process activities.

For example; The process of transforming a fabric into a suit is a process. It is a process for software developers to get a mobile application ready for release. Such examples can be multiplied. In other words, process means a planned production process. Process activities can end when the goods or services are produced, or they can be sustained with returns.

What does the process do?


Process is the only way to produce the right good or service. There are many different process activities applied. But when we examine all these conversion, feedback and repeatability We encounter three basic common features. These features ensure that the process activities are carried out in a healthy way.

The conversion feature adds value to inputs that are not valuable enough. The feedback feature ensures that the process activities are continued with the feedback received and that the product or service is improved. Repeatability is the ability of planned process activities. unless changed or eliminated makes it useful.

Some process concepts you should know:


  • Input: They are tangible or digital assets that are available before the process.
  • Supplier: The source from which the inputs are taken.
  • Output: It is the good or service obtained as a result of the process.
  • Process components: Elements that play a role in the process such as human, energy, machine.
  • Customer: They are the buyers of the goods or services obtained as a result of the process.
  • Process activities: These are the operations applied to the input throughout the process.
  • Process performance criteria: It is the measurement of whether the target determined before the process has been achieved or not.

Effects of process activities on business life:


Let’s go through an example again and consider a fast food chain serving worldwide. Such chain companies they provide the same quality service at almost every point. The reason for this is that although there are localizations in process activities, all restaurants produce according to the same process.

The process is like a chain that would break if even one of its links were to break. It is undesirable to have moldy or unstable rings in between. All links must be consistent and strong with the chain. Problematic ones are removed or cured. According to the returns, new rings can be added to the end of the chain if necessary.

In general, small businesses that do not carry out such process activities will never grow, even if they do not go bankrupt. Because they do not produce or manage according to a certain process. There is no room for surprises in process activities where all steps in the production process are planned with pinpoint predictions. For this reason, the target determined before the process is always achieved.

What you need to know about process activities:


Process activities are never people-oriented. In other words, it does not matter who implements the processes existing in the steps. The important thing is is the correct implementation of the necessary action. For this reason, world-famous production brands always achieve the results they aim if the main process activities are implemented as planned, no matter where they produce.

Managers who are responsible for executing process activities often act depending on the center. The planned production process is like a recipe for managers to implement. At this point, it is possible to talk about the process within the process. Because even though the managers apply this recipe planned in the center, they can help improve the process process they apply with local feedback.

To sum up; whether it is a large or small business, if it does not plan the development process of the product or service it produces correctly i.e. if it doesn’t expose a process It is unlikely to get a successful result. All companies should develop a process suitable for their own characteristics and implement it by feeding them with feedback.

Considered as one of the indispensable parts of the business world. what does process mean We answered the curious questions such as, and talked about the important details and concepts you need to know about this system. Although they have much cooler names, the important thing is always to plan correctly.

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