What is Police? What Does POLIS Coin Do? – Cryptokoin.com

What is the police? Police coin (POLIS) is a Blockchain platform that allows users to use cryptocurrencies as a payment method. cryptocoin.com In this article, we will examine the Police. In addition, we will also answer questions that investors wonder, such as what Polis coin is, what it offers, what it does for POLIS, how to get it. Now let’s examine together this Blockchain project, which strengthens payments in the form of crypto money.

What is the police?

Polis coin is a Blockchain project that makes it possible for users to make real-world spending in the form of cryptocurrencies. This project serves as a platform built on BNB Chain. Users have the advantage of shopping with cryptocurrencies from thousands of stores around the world through the platform. Polis’ ecosystem enables this through a range of tools it has developed. Essentially running as an EVM-compatible sidechain, the ecosystem supports fast and inexpensive transactions. It also works in a completely decentralized way.

The Police Chain is the evolution and current home of the Police. This is an EVM compatible Blockchain network focused on secure and fast payments. The network consists of 19 validators selected through the POSDAO consensus mechanism and adding blocks to the Blockchain through Open Ethereum’s implementation of the Authority Round (AuRa). Accordingly, Polis’ ecosystem is based on the Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism. Also, the governance of the platform rests with a DAO.

What does the project offer?

Police is the main asset in Olympus Network and works towards global adoption of crypto. Accordingly, businesses can start receiving payments with crypto money by registering their own stores on the network. In addition, users can buy the products they want in these stores registered on the Blockchain with crypto money payment. In addition, the network is managed completely decentralized by a DAO. This means that users who meet the relevant requirements can participate in the management of the platform.

What is POLIS coin? What does it do?

The police network has a eponymous BEP-20-based cryptocurrency. This cryptocurrency serves as the native token of the network. Accordingly, users have the advantage of purchasing products with POLIS coin from the relevant stores. In addition, businesses need to pay the platform with this money to register their own stores. On the other hand, the awards received by the enterprises consist of POLIS. In addition to retail services, the platform allows staking of native token. This means that token holders can earn passive income.

How to get POLIS coin?

With a market value of around $100,000, Polis is currently traded on SouthXchange and TradeOgre exchanges. Interested investors should gain access to these exchanges to purchase the cryptocurrency.

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