What is Pi Number? Why Is It So Important?

The number pi, which has a history of thousands of years, is a numerical term accepted by all mathematicians and known by almost everyone. Alright; What is the pi number, how to find it, how many digits does it have, what is its role in the historical process? Let’s take a closer look at the dirty number, about which we know very little, even if we know its name.

Of course, we have readers who are much more familiar with the number of pi due to their profession or department. However, the rest pi number for many; which is accepted as 3 in mathematical operations, has no end, in which we may even find our Turkish Identity Number. It is a mathematical term. However, the fact that it has been heard at least by uninformed people shows the importance of the number pi.

Alright; what is the number of pi, how to find it, How many digits, when was it found? Although we know more or less what it is, many people do not realize how important a constant value pi is.

What is the pi number?

PI number; the circumference of a circle to the diameter of that circle It is a mathematical constant that expresses the ratio. Greek meaning environment περίμετρον first letter of the word π is displayed with . Pi is an irrational number. The decimal does not end as a whole number (¼ = 0.25) or repeat forever (1.66666…). It is also called Archimedes’ constant or Ludolph’s number.

What is the trillion-digit pi number actually?

Regardless of size, if you divide the circumference of a circle by the diameter of the same circle, you get approximately 3.14. This is the number pi. We say approximately because pi has quite a few digits. Finally, its 31.4 trillion digits were calculated by Google employee Emma Haruka Iwao in 2019. Iwao currently holds the record.

You can also try: how to find pi number?

pi number, circle, circle

Draw a circle using a compass to get the correct measurement. Take a string and wrap it around the circle. Open the rope and measure its length. Find the diameter of the circle you created by measuring the distance from any point of the circle from the center to the point on the opposite side. Note that the diameter of the circle is twice the radius.

Divide the circumference of the resulting circle by the diameter of the circle. Regardless of the width of the circle if you rate the value you get will be approximately 3.14. You can try the measurement endlessly, going up to the trillionth digits of pi. This magic mathematical constant has been in use for thousands of years.

Thousands of years of pi number history:

pi number, archimedes

Let’s go back thousands of years, to 1900 BC, to the Babylonian Empire. Babylonians, calculated by squaring a circle They found the pi number to be 3.125. It is quite close to the accepted value today.

An Egyptian papyrus dating from 1650 BC shows us that the Egyptians calculated pi as 3.1605. In 287 BC Using the Pythagorean theorem, Archimedes cannot find an exact value for the number pi, but determines that it has a value between 3.1/7 and 3.10/71.

In the following years, the number of pi; It was calculated as 3.14166 by Claudios Ptolemy, 355/113 by the Chinese Zu Chongzhi, 3.1415926 by the Italian Lazzarini and 3.141818 by Fibonacci. After the 1700s by Greek mathematicians The pi number, whose symbol and value are determined, still continues to be calculated by accepting the value of 3.14 as constant.

Why is the pi number so important?

PI number

Everyone has dealt with this number for thousands of years, and the Google employee has left the job. Calculated trillions of digits there are even artificial intelligence systems being developed to calculate the exact value. Well, why did humanity give up everything and deal with calculating the number of pi, why is it so important?

First of all, we have to say that this number sounds like magic. In an unimaginably large apartment, a small coin The same ratio is obtained when you divide the circumference by the diameter. As if that’s not enough, you can find the area of ​​the circle when you multiply the number of pi by the square of the radius of the circle. In other words, if there is a circle in the work, the pi number must be included in the process.

PI number

So, why are the digits calculated? Remember the circle you just made with the rope. Divide that rope into 3 equal parts You cannot make the same circle. Even if you divide it into 3.14 equal parts, you cannot do it. Those fractions definitely cause errors, sometimes even microns. But one day, we’ll probably be able to make pieces that literally ‘exactly’ fit together when the pi number is calculated exactly, possibly with the help of an artificial intelligence.

What we can do with the pieces that fit together ‘exactly’ is left to the imagination of scientists. With nano technology mistakes that we can’t even think of can be terminated before they occur. With nano surgery Cancer, which is still in the form of a cell, can end before it even begins. With the real number of pi, all this can become possible.


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We answered the curious questions such as what is the number of pi, how is it found, what is its role in the historical process, and we explained the remarkable points. The magic constant of the mathematical world is pi It will continue to bring new surprises to us as it is used and the steps are calculated.

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