What is Nightmare, Sleep Paralysis, Why Does It Occur? What are the symptoms?

Sleep paralysis, one of the most common sleep problems, is popularly known as a nightmare because it is a mysterious and disturbing condition. Let’s take a closer look at what is sleep paralysis, which is not a harmful condition for health, despite the fact that the person’s brain wakes up but his body is still in a sleep state, what are its symptoms and most importantly, why.

Actually, we all have two different lives; one is the life of the world and the other is the life of dreams. As soon as it is night and we close our eyes and fall asleep, we step into a completely different world. As the brain and skeletal system switch to a special mode at this time, the sleep process is studied with interest by scientists. Because it has been studied and widely seen popularly known as a nightmare One of the sleep problems is sleep paralysis.

First of all, let’s put your mind at ease, sleep paralysis is not a disease. However, it can occur due to a disease or as a result of different ailments. According to many experts, it is a natural phase of the sleep process. The most dangerous aspect of sleep paralysis is that it causes anxiety and panic according to the duration of the experience. Bride what is sleep paralysis, what causes it, what are the symptoms, let’s take a closer look Let’s see the answers to the question of why it happens in detail.

What is nightmare or sleep paralysis?

Sleep paralysis, popularly known as nightmare; It is a sleep problem that is generally experienced before falling asleep, immediately after waking up, or, although not very often, between sleep. during sleep paralysis the person’s brain wakes up from REM sleep however, he suffers a temporary paralysis as his body cannot keep up with this situation.

Sleep paralysis is seen for the first time in most people between the ages of 14 and 17, that is, during adolescence. It can often be seen up to the age of 30. Studies have revealed that 5 percent of people experience sleep paralysis regularly, and 40 percent frequently. Sleep paralysis, which goes away when you fall back asleep or wake up completely, can last from a few seconds to a few minutes.

What are the symptoms of sleep paralysis, how to understand?

nightmare, sleep paralysis

  • inability to move
  • inability to speak
  • A feeling of being pushed down by something or someone
  • Don’t feel like there is a presence in the room
  • Emotional confusion due to inability to understand
  • Hallucinations of varying intensity
  • difficulty breathing
  • don’t feel like dying
  • excessive sweating
  • Print on the chest

During sleep paralysis, which usually occurs just before going to sleep or just after waking up. a temporary or partial skeletal muscle paralysis is experienced. So you can neither move nor speak, just like sleep but your mind is clear. In this case, even the smallest sound becomes important and can cause anxiety in the person.

When we look at the symptoms, we see that sleep paralysis is similar to what happens in a bad dream. Many people already suffers from sleep paralysis for such a short time He forgets this situation as a dream. However, in some people, the duration of sleep paralysis can be prolonged, and when such a situation is repeated frequently, it has a negative effect on the person’s psychology.

So what causes sleep paralysis?

nightmare, sleep paralysis

  • sleeping on back
  • Irregular sleep hours
  • Short naps during the day
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Stress
  • Environmental and lifestyle changes
  • sleeping pills
  • sleep hungry
  • sleep full
  • General insomnia problems
  • narcolepsy
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Alcohol consumption

This is the most common cause of sleep paralysis, popularly known as nightmares. In fact, when we look at all these reasons The reasons that prevent all of them from a quality sleep we see that. Quality sleep is a must for our health. All situations that impair this quality are also the main causes of sleep paralysis, the most common sleep problem.

During sleep, our brain stops the current in the nerves to our muscles, preventing them from being stimulated. because We shouldn’t run in real life while we’re running away from someone in a dream. In REM sleep, which is the deepest point of sleep, our body is completely paralyzed. Because of a single variable that intervenes, this state of paralysis continues for a while after the brain wakes up, creating sleep paralysis.

The variable that causes sleep paralysis need not be a big deal. A new pillow, the night shift, changing hours due to travel, changes in sleep patterns, sleep in a different place Even small variables like these can cause sleep problems and therefore sleep paralysis, as they create an unfamiliar situation.

How is sleep paralysis treated?

nightmare, sleep paralysis

As we mentioned at the beginning of our article, sleep paralysis is not a disease or an unhealthy condition, it is just a problem. Because You can even treat yourself. First you need to find out what is reducing your sleep quality. Diagnosis is half the treatment. Then you should try to correct this situation, that is, the variable that causes sleep paralysis.

The most commonly used treatment method for sleep paralysis and similar sleep problems is therapy. In these therapies, where a meditation-like method is followed, the person by doing breathing exercises It is ensured that he gets away from his worries, focuses, and most importantly, relaxes his muscles and has control over it. Because the situation that creates this problem is already paralysis of the muscles.

When should you go to the doctor?

nightmare, sleep paralysis

Sleep paralysis is not a harmful condition. That’s why you don’t need to panic and go to the doctor when it happens from time to time. However sometimes sleep paralysis and similar conditions can be caused by a neurological disorder. If you have frequent sleep paralysis, if the duration of the paralysis is long and it has come to the point that it will affect your quality of life, you should apply to the nearest health institution and be examined by a specialist physician. Because sleep paralysis may be the simplest problem you have ever experienced.

The biggest impact of sleep paralysis is psychological. Sometimes it comes with symptoms such as hallucinations. creates great fear And after a point, some people start to avoid sleep just to avoid such a situation. If you are experiencing such a situation, you should contact a specialist psychologist as soon as possible.

Conclusion: Is sleep paralysis dangerous?

nightmare, sleep paralysis

Sleep paralysis is not a disease or a condition that is harmful to your health. Even according to some experts a routine situation experienced during the sleep process. Therefore, we cannot say that sleep paralysis is dangerous. But remember that sleep paralysis can be caused by different diseases. At the same time, it is a fact that if it happens frequently, it negatively affects the psychology of the person. So if things are getting out of hand, it’s best to see a specialist.

One of the most common sleep problems what is nightmare, sleep paralysis, what are the symptoms, why We talked about the details you need to know about the subject by answering frequently asked questions. Do not forget that you should get the most accurate and specific information about sleep paralysis from a specialist physician, as in all health issues. You can share your thoughts on the subject in the comments.

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