What is MPV? What Does Low and High Mean?

One of the values ​​we encounter in blood test results, MPV is a ratio that shows the volumes of white blood cells in our blood. This value should be considered because the volume of white blood cells is as important as the number. Let’s examine what the MPV is, what its normal value should be, what its low and high mean in all details.

If you are not a healthcare professional, the values ​​you encounter in the blood test results will seem rather confusing and meaningless to you. One of them, MPV, is extremely important. MPV is a value that shows the volumetric ratio of white blood cells in our blood. This value is important because their volume is as critical as the number of white blood cells that coagulate and stop bleeding.

Even if it is not enough for your doctor to diagnose, low and high MPV value, which is seen as one of the first symptoms of many different diseases and disorders, should be carefully monitored. It is an extremely easy value to test. What is MPV, what does its low and high mean, what should its normal value be? Let’s take a look at the frequently asked questions in detail.

Let’s start with the basics, what is MPV?

Mean Platelet Volume, in short MPV, mean platelet volume in Turkish; It is a value that shows the volume of white blood cell, that is, platelets, which is one of the blood cell types in our blood. When there is any injury in our body due to a cut, the white blood cells immediately go to that area. It coagulates the blood and stops the bleeding. The volume of platelets, which also have the task of repairing the vessel walls, that is, the MPV value in our blood, is therefore extremely important.

What should be the MPV value, which can vary from person to person?

The MPV value, which expresses the volumetric ratio of white blood cells in our blood, the normally accepted reference range is 7.5 – 11.5 fl however, this value may change in different situations such as pregnancy. The MPV value, which is considered normal, may also vary according to the measuring laboratory. For this reason, it is often not sufficient for a definitive diagnosis, it only gives an idea.


What does high MPV mean, which can increase due to many different reasons?

When your MPV value is more than the normal reference range as a result of blood tests, this situation is called MPV elevation. This means, You may have too much platelet production in your blood. It can also be considered that the destruction of white blood cells is excessive and that more platelets are produced in the bone marrow to compensate for this. However, MPV elevation alone is not sufficient for the diagnosis of any disease.

What causes high MPV?

  • Different types of cancer
  • Low platelet count called thrombocytopenia
  • bleeding diseases
  • Pregnancy poisoning called preeclampsia
  • hyperthyroidism
  • Hypertension
  • Paralysis
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • Diabetes (diabetes)
  • Atrial fibrillation
  • Vitamin D deficiency
  • B12 deficiency
  • Folate deficiency
  • Obesity
  • Bone marrow disorder called myeloproliferative
  • Crohn’s disease

Here are some of the conditions, ailments and diseases that cause MPV elevation. As can be seen from the list MPV elevation can have many different causes. It may even be just a temporary situation. Therefore, do not worry before a definitive diagnosis is made by any specialist.

Is MPV height dangerous, how to lower it?

As with all the values ​​in our blood test results, the high MPV value is a situation that needs attention. However It would not be correct to say that it is always dangerous. When your MPV value is high, your doctor will also request different tests and reveal the reason for this situation. When the condition, disorder or disease that causes MPV elevation is diagnosed, an appropriate treatment method is followed and the MPV value is tried to be reduced to the normal range. A similar method is followed in case of low MPV.


What does low MPV mean, which should be supported by different tests?

When your MPV value is less than the normal reference range as a result of blood tests, this is called low MPV. Small volume of white blood cells means it means they are old. That means platelet production in your body slows down. It may also be a sign that your body has excessive white blood cell destruction and is not being renewed. However, just like high MPV, low MPV alone is not sufficient for the diagnosis of any disease, so a definite conclusion cannot be reached without supporting it with different tests.

What causes low MPV?

  • ulcerative colitis
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Cytotoxic drugs used in chemotherapy
  • extreme anemia called anemia
  • Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome
  • lupus disease
  • Underdevelopment of the bone marrow, called bone marrow hypoplasia
  • Platelet elevation

Here are some of the conditions, ailments and diseases that cause low MPV. As can be seen from the list Low MPV can have many different causes. In fact, this low may even be only a temporary situation. Therefore, do not worry before a definitive diagnosis is made by any specialist.


It may not matter to everyone: When is the MPV value measured?

  • Even in simple cuts, if the blood clots easily and the wound does not close
  • If the person has reddish and purplish spots on their skin
  • If there is bruising on the skin even with light bumps
  • If you experience frequent nosebleeds and do not stop easily
  • Bleeding gums while brushing teeth
  • If women have bleeding after sexual intercourse
  • If you have excessive bleeding during your period
  • If you have dizziness
  • If there is fatigue
  • if you have a headache
  • If there is a burning sensation in the hands and feet with pain

Although the MPV value is an easy ratio to measure, it is not always a standard value for everyone. From the symptoms listed above when one or more of them are seen The physician may want to measure the MPV value by suspecting the volume of white blood cells. According to the results, this situation is evaluated from a wider perspective with different tests.

How is the MPV test done?

There is no specific test called the MPV test. Showing the volume of white blood cells in your blood The MPV value is measured in conjunction with an assay called a complete blood count or hemogram. You do not need to make any special preparations beforehand. Only a certain amount of blood is taken from your arm and this blood is checked using special methods. Since it is an easy control, you can have this test done in almost all health institutions.

Showing the amount of white blood cells in our blood What is MPV, what should its normal value be, what does low and high mean We answered your questions. What we describe is for informational purposes only. Remember that as with all health issues, you should get the most accurate and specific information about your MPV value from a specialist physician.

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