What is metaverse? What will it be used for?

Facebook, throughout the year metaverse He kept talking about his project. The company even announced that it was willing to lose a large sum of money to fulfill its objectives. As you know, the social media giant changed its corporate name as an assurance of these words yesterday. Meta announced that it has changed.

with his new identity Meta, metaverse for “Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (ARIt defines it as “a new universe in which interconnected virtual experiences will merge using Many companies have already started talking and commenting on this topic. Alright metaverse what is it exactly? For what purpose will it be used?

Facebook announces its virtual universe: Metaverse

Facebook introduced Horizon Home, which will replace the virtual world Metaverse and Oculus Home, at its event today.

What exactly is the metaverse?

metaverseoffers the opportunity to make the virtual world a more social environment. It is said that all the actions that can be done in real life can also be done in the virtual world. If after ten years metaverse If it can be realized, it’s likely to be much different than what the developers are currently thinking.

CEO Mark Zuckerberg he wrote Founder’s Letter‘in metaverseHe describes it as an embodied internet realm that can be experienced that you don’t just look at. He then exemplifies this as a hologram that will instantly teleport you to an event you might be at the office without going to work, an event planned with friends, or a family event with your family.

We’ve seen many movies that feature technology like this. inspired by the term Neal Stephenson‘Fame Snow Crash, Ernest Cline‘of Ready Player One and Wachowskis‘of The Matrix movies can be shown as examples of these virtual digital worlds. In addition, those who have a wide knowledge of internet history, 18 years ago promising the same technology Second Lifewill also remember.

What will the Metaverse offer us?

Oculusalso by purchasing Meta, with this step paved the way for furthering their work in the virtual space. metaverse‘of ZoomIt’s a click away, but some expensive to use. VR We can say that it is necessary to have equipment.

Metaof EuropeTechnology Communications Manager in Alexandru Voica, current video call metaverseHe used it as an example of a version of . He said that this 2D meeting is better than talking on the phone, but it cannot be compared to being side by side. metaverseHe added that .

With the effect of the pandemic period, millions of people have made working remotely a necessity. Mark Zuckerberg, 2020 from the beginning”The Next Ten Years” aimed at the project VR and AR With the advances in technology, it has made it easier to work remotely. These studies had begun before the effects of the pandemic.

Business people’s thoughts on the subject

Epyllion Co. of the firm CEO‘That Matthew Ball, 2020‘Since the metaverseHe’s writing an article about what it is. in the beginning ball, metaverseHe stated that ‘s potential workers and people who make money from the virtual world will pave the way for them to participate in the economy. Especially MMO He cited as an example the sale of advanced accounts in his games for real world money.

With current developments ball, metaversesays it will offer a unique combination of data. for example Counter Strikeof a weapon obtained in FortniteIt claims to offer free data transfer, such as turning it into a costume in . However, this does not seem possible considering the losses that the party game companies will achieve.

Epic Games‘of CEO‘That Tim Sweeney on the other hand, looks positively to this idea of ​​cross data transfer to be made in some way. Sweeney, This July per month New York TimesIn an interview with roblox and Fortnite He showed as an example that a data tunnel can be created between Voica, during this cross-data sharing ROPE of addresses metaverseHe stated that it is very important for the success of .

past September per month Washington Post, housepartyHe is currently the co-founder of Epic Games working for Face Sistani interviewed with. metaverseHe said that ‘ will replace the social media that completely takes up our free time. Sistanibelieves that the next generation may be fully collaborating with each other online, unlike now where people post photos, post and status updates.

Who will own the Metaverse?

metaverse As the developers working on it have made clear, this platform will not be owned by just one person or company. Instead, we hope it will take on the task that the internet currently does, by creating a virtual network infrastructure that anyone can use.

with its own virtual environment Decentraland projects such as EthereumIt works on this principle because it works on the blockchain. The New York TimesAs explained earlier this year, Decentraland marketplace has already announced that real world brokers are buying virtual real estate packages.

Decentraland‘ has art shows and casinos where it operates even now. All of these have the potential to be connected to a digital commerce. This too metaverseA situation that contradicts the potential of the digital world that . metaverse‘s definitions of popular culture cannot be characterized as positive in terms of sociability. It looks more like a symptom of impending collapse.

Now Meta, metaverse He is very confident that he will spend his fortune for the next few years. Decentraland projects like the one offer a clue as to how a virtual economy would work. However, none of these metaverseIt does not give tangible results about the possibilities that will offer us. Meta Like other companies, they are trying to contribute to this issue without knowing what the result is yet.

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