What is Metaverse? How and Where to Buy Metaverse?

Metaverse craze is gaining more momentum every day and people are more and more curious. Lately metaverse Internet users, who are frequently exposed to the concept, naturally wonder what this concept is. FacebookWhat is the metaverse that many tech giants call “the future of the internet”, including how is the metaverse and where to buy metaverse

Meaning of Metaverse Concept

In order to better understand the concept of metaverse, it will be very useful to first understand the word itself. “MetaThe word ” is a Greek word meaning “after, beyond”. “VerseThe word ” is the English word “universeIt comes from the suffix of the word “universe”, that is, “universe”. “metaverseThe word ” is a combination of these two words.transverse“, “extrauniverse‘ has the meaning.

So what exactly does this term “metaverse” tell us? What exactly is the universe in question? At this very point, although there are differences of opinion from time to time, in the most basic sense, “all digital worlds” created by combining “”collective“to a virtual share space”metaverse” is called. This universe is located in the digital world. a fictional universe. Although this fictional universe may seem “fictitious” to some people, it has already taken place for some people. According to the opinion of the audience, who stated that this universe can be experienced in some games at the moment, it is available to reach these universes.virtual reality (VR)” and “augmented reality (AR)It will be possible to reach via

What is the Origin of the Metaverse Concept?

metaverse the first traces of the concept Neal Stephenson‘of Snow Crash available in his novel. The characters (real people) in the novel called a “three-dimensional” virtual world with their avatars the Metaverse. However, it is of course possible to reach metaverse-like virtual worlds much earlier than the novel Snow Crash.

The Future of the Internet and the Metaverse

The most important factor in naming the concept of Metaverse as the future of the internet was that the concept was frequently mentioned together with WEB 3.0. We could now communicate for a long time using WEB 2.0 technology and even find many areas to interact. However, according to many communities on the internet, existing central servers and companies will lose their power with WEB 3.0. Already at this point, Facebook’s Meta move has been subjected to great criticism.

Metaverse, on the other hand, represents a virtual world, the universe, that will emerge in a period when this technology develops. People will be able to use their avatars to represent them in this universe with various tools.

Although the virtual reality world is an existing concept, how will the metaverse change that?

The answer to this question is actually simple. Current virtual reality technology is not very advanced and expanded technology at the moment. VR technology is currently used mostly in games and this usage is far below the desired level. Metaverse, on the other hand, claims that it will develop and expand this usage area. But for now, this technology seems to be far from the level that the metaverse wants.

How to Buy Metaverse?

If you are interested in Metaverse assets, we have prepared for you on this subject “What Are The Most Popular Metaverse Coins? We recommend that you read the guide titled “Metaverse Crypto Asset Review”.

Facebook’s “MetaMetaverse assets that gained popularity after the ” move are:

  • Axie Infinity (AXS)
  • Decentraland (MANA)
  • Starlink (Starl)
  • The Sandbox (SAND)
  • Aavegotchi (GHST)
  • It can be listed as Ufo Gaming (UFO).

Why Did Metaverse Become So Popular?

NFT The concept, which gained popularity following the technology of Axie InfinityIt gained momentum with the appreciation of . Facebook’s acceleration Meta brought the move to the line. After Facebook’s frequent announcement on this topic, followed by its rebranding as Meta, the current momentum increased very quickly.

off facebook Epic Games company’s interest in the metaverse gave it a significant advantage. Epic Games CEO who believes people can interact better through the metaverse Tim Sweeneybelieves that the metaverse will be “very similar to the real world.”

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