What is Major Depression, What are its Symptoms?

According to many, depression is the number one psychological disorder of our age, but we should not accept every feeling of badness as a disease. There are some conditions for a person to be diagnosed with major depression and treatment is applied accordingly. Let’s examine in all details the questions such as what is major depression, what are its symptoms, and how is its treatment.

We live in a strange age. Thanks to the developments in medicine, we struggle with physical diseases much more easily, but unfortunately, we do not always encounter a rapid recovery when it comes to our psychology. a type of psychological disorder Major depression is one of the most common problems of our time, according to many. however, one should not make such a diagnosis by himself because there are some conditions for diagnosis.

Major depression sometimes occurs after a trauma, and sometimes the person has this disorder as a result of ongoing events. There are some sub-types of depression according to its occurrence and causes, and accordingly, an appropriate treatment method is followed by experts. not an incurable inconvenience What is major depression and what are its symptoms Let’s take a closer look and see some of the treatment methods.

Let’s get to know the situation first, what is major depression?

Major depression, also called major depressive disorder and clinical depression, in its most basic form It can be defined as the loss of one’s ability to enjoy life. During major depression, the person experiences a kind of emotional collapse, reluctance to even daily activities, and disruptions in routines such as eating habits and sleep patterns.

There are several different types that are described as major depression:

  • peripartum depression
  • psychotic depression
  • seasonal depression
  • melancholic depression
  • premenstrual dysmorphic disorder

Peripartum depression:

Peripartum depression, also called postpartum depression, is associated with postpartum hormonal changes and due to the increased burden of responsibility with the arrival of the baby It is a type of depression. It occurs within a few weeks after birth and can last for several months.

Psychotic depression:

For psychotic depression, we can say that the symptoms seen in addition to the normal symptoms of major depression. hallucinating and hearing Delusions and an extremely suspicious approach leading to paranoia are among the symptoms of psychotic depression.

Seasonal depression:

Seasonal depression is perhaps the most innocent of the major types of depression. on the name, It refers to the emotional changes experienced during the seasonal transitions. It is more common in autumn and winter seasons when sunlight decreases.

Melancholic depression:

Melancholic depression refers to the emotional collapse of major depression that covers the whole life of the person. A person experiencing melancholic depression even against activities in the ordinary course of life. is reluctant, feels very sad and exhibits introverted behavior.

Premenstrual dysmorphic disorder:

Premenstrual dysmorphic disorder is the most common type of depression among women because it occurs during menstruation and sometimes it may take several weeks. In this process, increased appetite, exhaustion, unnecessary nervousness can be seen.

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What is the difference between major depression and depression?

In fact, if we leave the types aside, major depression and depression are the same thing, we call it depression in short among the people. But to mention a difference We can distinguish between chronic depression and major depression. The main difference between them is that the intensity of chronic depression symptoms is less.

To make a general definition, people with chronic depression say that’s what life is and do not believe that something can be solved. A state of reluctance lasting at least two years indicates that depression has become chronic. Major depression symptoms can be much more severe. Due to the severity of the symptoms, major depression can be easily noticed by the person’s environment, while chronic depression can hide itself for a long time.

What are the symptoms of major depression that give signs of the disease?

  • feeling tired all the time
  • constantly feeling worthless
  • feeling guilty all the time
  • Inability to sleep or oversleeping
  • Lack of interest and pleasure in daily activities
  • slow thinking and slow acting
  • inability to rest
  • Persistent thoughts of death and suicide
  • concentration disorders
  • Instability
  • Abnormal weight gain or weight loss

Here are some of the most common symptoms seen in people with major depression in general. Of course, not everyone with these symptoms has major depression. Sometimes these symptoms can be seen in everyone, even for a short time. If it lasts longer than two weeks, it may be a symptom that should be taken seriously.

major depression

Major depression can have different effects in men and women:

The risk of major depression in women is twice as high as in men, as there are special factors that affect the hormonal balance, such as menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth and menopause, and therefore psychology. Depression in men in general extreme irritability or alienation from family It’s a little hard to spot because of the shape. Digestive system problems, headaches and back pain can also be seen in men as symptoms of depression, unlike women. Treatment methods are similar.

So, how is major depression treated?

  • Psychotherapy
  • Medication
  • Electroconvulsive therapy

major depression


If the issue is mild to moderate major depression, the person The first treatment method to be applied is psychotherapy. In this method, it is aimed to change the behavior of the person against negative situations through suggestion and it is tried to teach how to cope with the situations that cause depression.


A treatment method that can be applied together with psychotherapy is drug therapy. If you are depressed are caused by conditions in the person’s brain chemistry This structure is tried to be changed with drugs. These drugs, called antidepressants, can take effect after weeks or months. Medicines are taken according to the doctor’s advice, and if necessary, a drug change or dose update can be made.

Electroconvulsive therapy:

Even if it is a somewhat frightening method, it is used only in cases of very severe major depression, in the electroconvulsive therapy method. An electrical current is passed through the patient’s brain. It is the last treatment method to be applied, but it is very effective.

You can also cope with major depression on your own:

Especially in cases of mild and moderate major depression, the person can cope with this situation on his own. For example, you can start by consuming healthier things and limiting alcohol. The positive effects of regular exercise, even if it is light, will be high. Exercises that relax your mind, such as yoga and meditation, will also increase your ability to cope with major depression.

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When do you need to go to a specialist?

In situations that cause trauma such as death, harassment, separation, social isolation, social changes, communication problems It is recommended that you seek help from a specialist as soon as possible. But expect depression symptoms to last for at least two weeks in emotional breakdowns caused by being overwhelmed by the burden of daily life. Because sometimes the little things can bother us, it’s normal. Try to discover the limits of your inner struggle.


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According to many experts, it is considered the disease of our age. what is major depression, what are the symptoms, how is the treatment We answered frequently asked questions such as: What we describe is for informational purposes only. Remember that as with all health issues, you should get the most accurate and specific information about major depression from a specialist.

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