What is Hemoglobin, What Should Its Normal Value Be?

Hemoglobin, which appears with the abbreviation HGB in blood test results, is a type of protein found in red blood cells and is of vital importance because the oxygen we breathe through clings to the hemoglobin protein and reaches other tissues in our body. Let’s examine the questions like what is hemoglobin and what should its normal value be, in all details.

We all know now that our body works like a flawless machine made up of countless parts, most of which we cannot see. For example, one of these parts, hemoglobin, is a type of protein found in red blood cells, but it is literally vital. because Oxygen that we breathe through sticks to hemoglobin and makes its way. and thus reaches even the most extreme tissues of our body.

Interestingly, after the hemoglobin leaves the oxygen to the tissue, it takes the carbon dioxide there and ensures that it is removed from the body. For this reason, the hemoglobin value that we see with the abbreviation HGB in the blood test is extremely important. Its low and high levels can be the harbinger of many diseases, as well as revealing our iron ratio in the body. Bride what is hemoglobin, how much should it be, what causes low hemoglobin, what happens if its value is high Let’s take a closer look at the frequently asked questions.

Let’s start with the basics, what is hemoglobin?

Hemoglobin is the red blood cell, one of the cells in our blood. It is a type of protein found in red blood cells. Hemoglobin, which is rich in iron, is produced in the bone marrow and mixes with the blood from there. It is possible to say that hemoglobin is a kind of logistics specialist because it carries oxygen and carbon dioxide. The hemoglobin value is indicated by the abbreviation HGB in blood test results.

So what does hemoglobin do?

The first and most basic task of the hemoglobin protein is to attach the oxygen in the air we breathe into our lungs and carry it to the tissues in all other parts of our body. It’s not enough After leaving the oxygen and oxygen, it attaches the carbon dioxide in the tissues to itself and carries it back to the lungs and ensures that it is expelled from the body.

To give a basic ratio, 1 hemoglobin can carry 4 oxygen molecules at the same time. It is also hemoglobin that forms the disc-like structure that allows red blood cells to move more easily in the vessels. Since it is an iron-rich protein, it gives information about the iron rate in our body as HGB in the blood test.

What should the normal hemoglobin value be?

The hemoglobin value in the blood is a value calculated according to how many grams of hemoglobin are in 1 deciliter of blood. According to the person’s gender, age, genetic structure, hormonal status ideal HGB i.e. hemoglobin value Although it varies, the reference ranges are as follows;

  • 13.5 – 24 g/dL for newborn babies
  • 11 – 13 g/dL for babies aged 0 – 3 years
  • 12 – 14 g/dL for children ages 3 – 11
  • 13.5 – 17.5 g/dL for adult men
  • 12.5 – 15.5 g/dL for adult women


What is low hemoglobin, which can be a sign of many diseases?

Determined by your HGB hemoglobin value in the blood test below the reference range It is called low hemoglobin. In general, low hemoglobin levels are caused by chronic blood losses, not meeting the need for iron and not using it even if it is met.

Why does hemoglobin drop, what causes low?

  • blood loss
  • types of anemia
  • Genetic
  • Some drug uses
  • Pregnancy and newborn


blood loss:

Since hemoglobin is hosted by red blood cells in the blood, blood loss can cause low hemoglobin. for example Therefore, the HGB value decreases during the menstrual period of women. The same result is seen in cases of blood loss such as bleeding injuries, ulcers, and hemorrhoids.

Types of anemia:

Anemia, a disease that causes problems in blood cells in the body, is also among the causes of low hemoglobin. Anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency, HGB deficiency can be seen due to anemia caused by folic acid deficiency, anemia due to chronic diseases, aplastic anemia, and hemolytic anemia.


Sometimes, the HGB value may be low even without any condition or disease that reduces the hemoglobin ratio in the body. Due to some genetic diseases, hemoglobin is produced incorrectly. Due to faulty production, there is never enough of this protein in the body and therefore low hemoglobin occurs.

Some drug uses:

Hemoglobin produced in the bone marrow is found in red blood cells. If the drug used by the person affects the bone marrow, affects red blood cell production or if it somehow affects their functioning, a decrease in hemoglobin value may occur as a result.

Pregnancy and newborn:

During pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period due to high iron consumption hemoglobin deficiency can be observed in the mother’s body. Iron, which is vital for newborn babies, takes it through breast milk. If newborn babies are not fed enough or not with breast milk, hemoglobin will decrease.

How to increase hemoglobin?

If the person’s hemoglobin level has decreased due to blood loss, a blood transfusion can be performed. Disease treatment is applied in falls caused by anemia. Supplements are given for HGB drops caused by iron and vitamin deficiency. You can eat offal, shellfish, broccoli, green beans, cabbage, dried beans, lentils to increase the iron rate in your body, thus increasing the hemoglobin rate.


What is hemoglobin elevation with serious dangers?

Determined by your HGB hemoglobin value in the blood test above the reference range This condition is called hemoglobin elevation. In case of high hemoglobin, the person may experience itching, headache, dizziness, excessive sweating, swelling in the joints, abnormal weight loss, and weakness.

Why does the hemoglobin increase, what happens if the HGB value is high?

  • Lung diseases
  • dehydration
  • living at high altitude
  • Smoking
  • Do not exercise excessively

In general, these are the diseases, disorders and conditions that cause high hemoglobin in the person. At high HGB, the risk of clotting, stroke and heart attack is high. Even if not in the short term, high hemoglobin is a dangerous condition in the long term.

How does hemoglobin drop?

In cases where high hemoglobin levels pose a risk, a procedure called phlebotomy is applied to the person. In this process, a certain amount of blood is taken according to the condition of the person. Thus, clotting and similar situations are prevented.

Thirst is one of the most common causes of high hemoglobin. Therefore People with high HGB value should drink plenty of water, especially in cases where they lose water such as exercise. Smoking is the biggest enemy of high hemoglobin levels, quit as soon as possible.

Responsible for carrying oxygen in our blood what is hemoglobin, what does it do, what does low and high mean We answered frequently asked questions such as: What we describe is for informational purposes only. Do not forget that you should get the most accurate and specific information about your hemoglobin value from a specialist physician, as in all health issues.

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