What Is Good For Low Blood Pressure?

When blood pressure, which is the pressure of the blood pumped into our body, on our veins, falls below normal, it is called low blood pressure. It may decrease momentarily, or it may be chronically low. For those who say what should I do to raise blood pressure, let’s take a closer look at what is good for low blood pressure.

With unhealthy diet, sedentary life and stress, almost everyone has blood pressure problems. Some suffer from high blood pressure called hypertension while others suffer from low blood pressure called hypotension. Both have their own negative traits. low blood pressure between these two conditions, It can be seen in many people chronically or momentarily.

Of course, in chronic low blood pressure disorders, it is absolutely necessary to go to the doctor, but sometimes there is a moment. Your blood pressure drops instantly. At such moments, the question of what should I do to raise blood pressure becomes much more important. There are foods you can consume and some methods you can apply to raise your blood pressure. Let’s take a closer look at what is good for low blood pressure.

Let’s start with a basic definition; What is low blood pressure?

Blood pressure is the pressure exerted on our veins by the blood pumped into our body as our heart beats, and is measured in mmHg. It is measured in two different ways, systolic and diastolic blood pressure. So big and small values. Low blood pressure is defined as a systolic blood pressure of less than 90 mmHg and a diastolic blood pressure of less than 60 mmHg.

Don’t be alarmed right away; What are the symptoms of low blood pressure?

  • feeling dizzy
  • darkening in the eyes
  • state of fatigue
  • feeling tired
  • clouding of consciousness
  • Nausea
  • feeling of vomiting
  • Don’t feel like fainting
  • Fainting

Here are some of the most common symptoms seen in people with low blood pressure. Of course These are not seen in every person who has low blood pressure. but sometimes one or more of these symptoms can be seen at the same time. While some may be momentary, sometimes these symptoms can be seen chronically.

blood pressure

Good, but why does blood pressure drop?

  • irregular diet
  • physical strains
  • stay still for a long time
  • Being dehydrated to the level of dehydration
  • Pregnancy
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency
  • Folic acid deficiency
  • endocrine problems
  • heart ailments
  • bacterial infections
  • allergic reactions
  • diuretic drugs
  • Medicines used to treat blood pressure
  • heart medications
  • antidepressant drugs
  • erectile dysfunction drugs
  • Neurological therapy drugs

Here are some of the most common conditions, diseases, and medications that cause low blood pressure. As can be seen from the list, some of these reasons causing a sudden drop in blood pressure some can cause chronic low blood pressure. The person can detect the conditions that lower blood pressure other than medication and disease and prevent it from occurring.


Measures you can take to prevent instantaneous blood pressure drop:

  • Do not get up suddenly while sitting or lying down.
  • Have your pillow a little higher when you sleep.
  • Eat small meals.
  • Rest after eating.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Do not sit for long periods of time.
  • Do not stand for long periods of time.
  • Minimize alcohol consumption.
  • Do not consume caffeine at night.
  • You can increase your salt intake a little.
  • Do not exercise excessively.

Here are some of the precautions you can take against frequent instantaneous blood pressure drops. If you have noticed these precautions regardless of the cause of the drop in blood pressure This is something that everyone should pay attention to. Because, apart from chronic conditions, our blood pressure can drop frequently. In order to avoid such a situation, make these measures into your ears. Of course, the best thing to do is to seek advice from your doctor.

blood pressure

What is good for low blood pressure? Here are the foods that are good for low blood pressure:

  • Olive
  • Carrot juice
  • licorice root tea
  • Salty buttermilk
  • Rosemary
  • Coffee
  • ginseng
  • Raisins
  • Spinach
  • Honey
  • almond milk
  • Fish
  • Ginger



Thanks to the numerous minerals, vitamins and amino acids found in olives, olives It is already the number one friend of our heart health. The fact that it is good for low blood pressure is thanks to the salt in it. It is recommended to eat a few black olives every morning. Likewise, eating a few black olives in instant blood pressure drops will balance your blood pressure in a short time.

Carrot juice:

Even if carrot juice does not have an instant effect, when consumed regularly on patients with chronic low blood pressure It is one of the foods that will have a positive effect. If you drink a glass of carrot juice with a little honey added every morning, you will ensure that your blood pressure is much more balanced.

carrot juice

Licorice root tea:

Licorice root is a plant extremely rich in sodium. Sodium entering our body Its most important feature is to balance blood pressure. When used regularly, it will balance low blood pressure, but you should not miss the measure because it can cause edema.

Salty buttermilk:

Salted buttermilk will literally cure low blood pressure patients. Because If there is a lack of fluid, it gives fluid, If sodium is low, it gives sodium with salt. Especially in instant blood pressure drops, drinking salted buttermilk will quickly increase your blood pressure to normal values.



Rosemary is considered one of the best foods to reduce blood pressure because it increases blood pressure. When you drink rosemary tea the central nervous system is activated. This movement also increases blood pumping, thereby increasing blood pressure.


Just as coffee is a beverage that high blood pressure patients should limit, the opposite is the case. It is a drink recommended to be consumed in low blood pressure. Caffeine in coffee increases blood pressure and raises low blood pressure.



An indispensable product of Ancient Chinese medicine even thousands of years ago, ginseng has the effect of regulating blood pressure. As you will consume in different products Regular consumption of tea alone will also have a positive effect on low blood pressure.


Like many red fruits, grapes are a fruit with blood-forming properties. Of course, if available, it is recommended to eat fresh. but since you can always have it with you, raisins will give a quick result in instant blood pressure drops. It also balances your blood sugar.



One of the causes of low blood pressure deficiency, although not very common, is magnesium deficiency. Spinach is also extremely rich in magnesium. If you consume it raw in the form of a salad instead of cooking, you will ensure that there is no loss of magnesium.


Although it is not effective in instant blood pressure drops, honey, which has been used in ancient medicine for thousands of years, Thanks to the antioxidants in It plays a curative role in chronic low blood pressure diseases. Because antioxidants prevent arteries from clogging and provide a healthy blood flow.

Almond milk:

Almond milk is extremely rich in potassium and magnesium. If if your blood pressure drops frequently due to a lack of these minerals You can eliminate this problem by consuming almond milk regularly.

almond milk


Even if you have no ailments Experts recommend eating fish at least once a week. Because it contains many vitamins, minerals and amino acids necessary for our health. If your blood pressure drops due to the lack of these components, it will be good to eat fish regularly.


Ginger, which we consume abundantly to strengthen our immune system in winter, antioxidants in At the same time, it has the feature of preventing the clogging of the arteries. Having healthy veins means reducing our blood pressure problems.

For those who ask what should I do to raise blood pressure what is good for low blood pressure We talked about the foods you should consume through the question. What we describe is for informational purposes only. Do not forget that you should get the most accurate and specific information about low blood pressure from a specialist physician, as in all health issues.

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