What is GNY? What Does GNY Do? – Cryptokoin.com

GNY describes itself as a proven machine learning prediction platform for Blockchain. It identifies the repeatable patterns and learning components of the GNY that continually adapt to behavior. In this article, as Kriptokoin.com, “What is GNY?” We will answer the question. In addition to these, we will touch on all the questions about the project.

What is GNY? What does it do?

GNY, It can predict the behavior of any user. Thus, it claims to be targeted with contextually relevant messages that can drive desired actions. The network is particularly powered by some of the high transaction speeds and low costs of any Blockchain platform.

It also provides scalability. GNY Coin’s patented machine learning identifies repeatable patterns and learning components that are constantly adapting to ever-changing human behavior. It does this by responding to millions of independent variable properties, especially when using hundreds of machine learning algorithms in parallel to predict defined business values.

What is GNY Token?

The native cryptocurrency of the GNY ecosystem is the GNY Token. It took place on the market in the spring of 2021. GNY Mainnet serves the community as a powerful tool that can be used by anyone who needs a predictive platform for their business.

Who are the Founders of GNY?

Cosmas is the founder and CEO of GNY. Cosmas is a London-based technology investor and entrepreneur who has founded companies for over 20 years. He has his roots as a corporate finance and private equity lawyer in London and Singapore and has worked with companies large and small around the world. He has a broad background in corporate structures, business strategies and practices, investment and intellectual property.

How to buy GNY?

The largest exchanges that can be traded with GNY; BitMart is Uniswap(V2), Bittrex, Sushiswap, EXMO. To purchase coins, these steps are followed:

First of all, access the web/mobile application of the GNY-listing exchange you selected as the first step. Then complete the account opening steps. Complete the next step, the authentication and approval process. Follow the steps of the exchange, which is the next step, to deposit funds. As the last step, choose GNY for the balance amount you want and create a purchase order. Store it in your trusted accounts.

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