What Is Ferritin In A Blood Analysis, What Is It High And Low

Many cells in our body, especially red blood cells, need iron mineral. The task of storing this iron mineral and sending it to the cells as needed belongs to a kind of protein complex called ferritin. Let’s examine in all details the curious questions such as what is ferritin in blood analysis, what does its low and high mean.

As we always say, our body is like a machine made up of countless small parts that works perfectly thanks to them. For example, the oxygen we breathe is carried to the farthest reaches of our body by means of red blood cells. Not many people know but Iron is required for these cells to function. and the task of storing and secreting this iron belongs to a protein complex called ferritin.

Ferritin protein complex, also known as an iron store among the people, works literally like a store. It takes the iron mineral that enters our body, stores it and ensures that it is used when necessary. Therefore, a lack of ferritin also means that there is a lack of iron in our body. What is the ferritin we encounter in the blood test, Let’s examine the questions such as what does low and high mean in all details.

Let’s start with the basics, what is ferritin?

Ferritin; found in our liver, bone marrow, immune system cells and, to a lesser extent, in our circulatory system. It is a type of protein complex. Ferritin protein complex stores the iron mineral in our body and controls its release when necessary. Approximately 4500 iron molecules can be stored in each ferrite.

Well, what exactly does ferritin mean, what does it do?

By taking a deep breath, you let a certain amount of oxygen enter your body. This oxygen was carried to the farthest reaches of the body by the erythrocyte, a type of red blood cell. Iron is necessary for the functioning of erythrocytes and many other cells. This essential iron is stored in a protein complex we call ferritin. and is released by it. For this reason, the iron ratio of the body is checked over the ferritin value in the blood test results.

What should be the ideal ferritin value in the blood test?

The ferritin value in the blood test may vary according to the age, gender and current condition of the person, but if we need to talk about an average, ideal value. 20 – 200 ml / ng in adult women, 20 – 500 ml / ng in adult men is the value range of ferritin, which is considered as a reference. A low rate in women is considered normal because ferritin, or iron, is lost due to the regular menstrual cycle every month.


What is low ferritin, which can occur due to many different reasons, why does ferritin decrease?

  • give birth frequently
  • To miscarry
  • having an abortion
  • give birth prematurely
  • Eating overcooked meat
  • Consuming frequent processed meat products
  • Vitamin C deficiency
  • Gastrointestinal problems experienced
  • Different chronic diseases
  • experiencing blood loss
  • Cancer types, poly, diverticulum
  • Excessive consumption of tea and coffee
  • Irregular nutrition during pregnancy and lactation

Ferritin value below the ideal reference range is called low ferritin. As can be seen from the above reasons The possibility of low ferritin in women due to their biological structures It is much higher, but it can also be seen in men.

So what are the symptoms of low ferritin?

  • Constant weakness and fatigue
  • feeling of numbness
  • Difficulty waking up in the morning
  • anxiety attacks
  • Anorexia
  • Desire to eat soil and lime
  • Dizziness and headache
  • ringing in the ear
  • increase in forgetfulness
  • state of being constantly angry
  • focus problems
  • Itching
  • Decrease in hair quality, shedding
  • Dryness and pallor of the skin
  • Easily broken nails and striped appearance
  • have shortness of breath
  • pain in legs
  • Numbness, chills in hands and feet
  • restless legs syndrome
  • Decreased sexual desire

Here are some of the symptoms seen in people with low ferritin. Of course, all these signs does not necessarily indicate low ferritin but if you are experiencing one or more of them at the same time, it is useful to be suspicious.

How does ferritin rise, how is it treated?

First of all, a blood test is taken from the person who is suspected of having low ferritin and the situation is seen. Then this situation caused If there is a disease, its treatment is started. If there is no source of disease, iron supplementation is given. It is recommended to include the following foods in the diet of people with low ferritin;

  • Foods with vitamins C and B12
  • leavened bread
  • dried legumes
  • Egg
  • Chicken
  • The fish
  • Red meat
  • green vegetables
  • Sesame
  • molasses
  • Long
  • Nuts
  • Apricot
  • Mulberry


Although it is not very common, what is the ferritin level that should be taken seriously, why does ferritin increase?

  • inflammatory diseases
  • chronic diseases
  • excessive alcohol consumption
  • Liver diseases
  • Iron metabolism disorder called hemochromatosis
  • type 2 diabetes
  • hyperthyroidism
  • Leukemia
  • hepatitis C

The ferritin value seen above the ideal reference range is called the ferritin height. Unlike the low Ferritin elevation is often caused by a disease. For this reason, even if it is not common, it is a situation that should be taken seriously when encountered.

So what are the symptoms of high ferritin?

  • Loss of sexual desire
  • heart palpitations
  • Feeling constantly sluggish and tired
  • Pain in the abdomen and chest
  • pain in joints
  • Visible darkening of skin color
  • abnormal weight loss

Here are some of the symptoms seen in people with high ferritin levels. Of course, all these signs does not indicate unequivocally high ferritin but if you are experiencing one or more of them at the same time, it is useful to be suspicious.

How does ferritin fall, how is it treated?

First of all, a blood test is taken from the person suspected of having high ferritin levels and the situation is seen. Then, if there is a disease caused by this condition, its treatment is started. Blood donation is recommended to reduce iron in the body. If necessary, zinc and magnesium supplements can be given. It may also be recommended for the person experiencing high ferritin to consume coffee, green tea and calcium-rich foods for a while.

When should I go to the doctor?

The ferritin value, that is, the iron rate in your blood, is a value seen with a blood test, so it is a bit difficult to understand it yourself, but know your body well When you start to feel abnormal and abnormal symptoms frequently, it is recommended that you go to the nearest health institution and be examined by a specialist doctor.

Also known as our body’s iron store what is ferritin, what does low and high mean We answered frequently asked questions such as: What we describe is for informational purposes only. Do not forget that you should get the most accurate and specific information about the value of ferritin from a specialist physician, as in all health issues.

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