What is FEG Token? – Cryptokoin.com

What is FEG Token? FEG Token, which appeared in the first days of 2021, is based on ERC-20 and Binance Smart Chain. It is a cryptocurrency launched by a decentralized company called FegX, which has its own project. It gives 1% reward to its users for every transaction made. In this way, it is a Blockchain project that provides incentives to investors and whose total supply decreases over time. cryptocoin.com We have compiled the details for you, let’s examine the subject together…

What is FEG Token?

The goal of the project; It is to create a decentralized financial network that can run on Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum Blockchain, strong and zero security breaches, and offers various rewards to all users who transact. FEG Token has a supply of approximately 100 quadrillion circulating around the world.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Its advantages are;

  • Token holders can earn passive income by staking their investments for a certain term.
  • People who cannot get a loan from the bank can borrow from FEG Token holders.
  • Investors can perform cross-border transfers free of charge. 2% commission is deducted in Buy-Sell transactions, but 1% of this is returned to the users after the transaction.

The disadvantages are;

  • Working with support from the Ethereum network, FEG Token may experience long waiting times in order confirmation processes from time to time due to the transaction load.
  • FEG Token has low availability as it is currently traded on only four different exchanges.

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