What is Everipedia (IQ)? – Cryptokoin.com

What is Everipedia (IQ)? Everipedia (IQ) is a cryptocurrency that serves to move real-world information and data to Blockchain. The IQ Token is a predictive token, and users who answer correctly are given new tokens in return. Cryptocurrency is also used in decentralized finance transactions. He frequently offers articles to his investors. It is also possible to trade in PrediQT.

What is Everipedia (IQ)?

The aim of the project is to present the knowledge, experience and data that exist in the real world to the user. Thus, they have the opportunity to read many useful articles about the cryptocurrency exchange on the Everipedia network where the token is located. It encourages investors to earn tokens on their predictions. Users with IQ tokens can easily enter PrediQr.

The price of 1 Everipedia (IQ) Token is 0.11 TL as of now. At the exchange rate, it is equivalent to $0.008. In addition, IQ Token pricing may experience fluctuating price movements depending on the trading and supply demands, developments and market volatility.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Investors have the chance to win prize tokens by guessing about the articles in Everipedia.
  • With IQ Token, investors can access all articles on the Everipedia base about crypto money and its exchange in one place.


  • IQ Token does not distribute rewards to users who make every transaction or complete their task. However, the only way to win prizes is given to the content owners on the Everipedia network with informative and top-rated articles.

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