What is Ethereum mining and how is ETH produced?

What is Ethereum mining, especially with cryptocurrencies taking a place in our lives in the last 3 years? How to generate Ethereum Questions like these are in the minds of computer users. In this article, we will talk about how you can do mining on your computer and what kind of hardware you should have for this.

Ethereum broke the record! Here is the new value

Ethereum, the second largest cryptocurrency, has reached an all-time high by setting a new record.

Ethereum mining requires a suitable graphics card

First of all, in order to obtain a digital currency called ETH, Ether, by using the hardware power of your computer. to certain equipment you must have.

Although you can use your processor to get Ethereum, the payoff is very small. By the end of the day, you’re already using the processor at full power. which will generate very little income this would be a very unprofitable endeavor not worth battering your processor. In this sense, the most used method to obtain Ether is to use the power of the video card.

Although various special circuits are required for Bitcoin mining, a standard Microsoft Windows user can easily mine Ethereum with the appropriate hardware. In this sense, the first thing you need to have is at least 4GB of VRAMTo have a graphics card with . With the latest updates on Ethereum networks, mining with 2GB VRAM cards has become both more difficult and unprofitable.

How to craft Ehereum step by step?

  1. First of all, as we mentioned above, we need to have a graphics card suitable for engraving.
  2. At this stage, our first need is to download a digging pool and a program suitable for it. In this sense, although there are several different alternatives, in this article we LoL Miner application and Binance pool We’ll go through.
  3. First of all, the first thing you need to do is to go to Binance’s official website by clicking here and create a Binance account if you don’t have one. In order to transfer the money from your Binance account to your bank account, you need to activate the two-step security feature and complete the necessary steps.
  4. After creating your account, click here to go to Binance’s pool homepage. Click on your profile name in the top right yellow + button press and Create Mining Account We come to the screen.
  5. In the Mining Account section, you need to write the name of your account that you will use for mining. After typing any name here Ethash we select the option and Create we press the button.

6. At this stage, we have now created the required account for Mining. By clicking here, we go to the pool home page again and click on the Ethash account we just created. At this stage, just below,Mining URLCopy the link below where it says ‘.

7. We now have everything we need to get our Binance digging into the pool. Now all we have to do is enter the necessary information into the LoLMiner that we are going to dig. Click here to download the program to the computer and extract it to any folder.
8. Right click on the file named mine_eth in the folder and let’s say Edit. At this stage, a Notepad window will open and an editing screen will appear where we can enter the necessary information.
9. At this stage, we copy the Mining URL that we just copied next to the ‘POOL=’ line. Next to the “WALLET=” section just below, you put the name of the account you created. For example, let’s say your account name is ShiftDelete123XYZ never mind.

The two lines we’re talking about should be:

set “POOL=stratum+tcp://ethash.poolbinance.com:1800”
set “WALLET=ShiftDelete123XYZ.lolMinerWorker

10. Now all you have to do is close this window and save it and run it by double clicking on the file named mine_eth. In about 10 minutes, if you did everything right, your mining transaction will be displayed in your pool account on Binance.

This is what happened: the electric car that makes mining

This is what happened: the electric car that makes mining

The electric car developed by the Canadian manufacturer will effortlessly mine cryptocurrencies at idle moments.

So, what kind of method do you apply for Ethereum mining? Do not forget to share your views with us in the comments section.

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