What is e-invoice? How to issue an e-invoice?

Offering many advantages for the invoicing process of products and services sold, e-invoices are of great importance for both sellers and buyers. So what exactly is e-invoice and what needs to be done to become an e-invoice payer?

With the widespread use of the Internet, life that has become digital has changed many things. People used to do everything, from the documents of the products they bought to the official documents. have to archive was staying. However, thanks to the developing technology, we are at a much different point now. Cloud systems and email addressesbecame the archives of the people.

Digital archives, especially bills made life easier. In the past, people kept the invoice of all the products they bought during the warranty period. Now it is no longer needed. sent to e-mail addresses e-invoices, accounts can be kept as long as they are not stolen. Moreover, this situation makes the work of the sellers easier. Let’s take a look at what e-invoice is, its advantages and how to become an e-invoice payer.

What are the advantages of e-invoicing?

e-invoices are official documents and like paper bills are officially valid. A seller who switches to the e-invoice system, above all else, avoids wastage of paper, namely wood. It also saves time. e-invoice program An invoice is sent to the recipient’s e-mail address immediately. Also a buyer; The e-invoice cannot delay the payment of the overdue product in any way. Putting all this aside, this process is actually for some companies. that it is mandatory must not be forgotten. Annual sales amount according to the relevant communiqué in the Official Gazette 3 million TLCompanies with more than .

The advantages of the e-invoice system are not limited to these. A seller who activates the e-invoice system can establish the income-expenditure balance much more accurately. In addition, an issued e-invoice President of revenue management (IOP) account is directly reflected. Thus, the extra workload for the seller is eliminated. In addition to all these; Thanks to the e-invoice integration, multiple invoices can be issued at the same time, and for sales made on e-commerce platforms. one click invoice can be created.

How to apply for e-invoice?

  • integrated with the Revenue Administration Public Certification Center In order to have your company’s seal on the invoice from the system, you must first submit your financial seal application. online you need to do.
  • You need to decide on the life of the seal you will provide in your application. 1 year, 2 years and 3 years You have the right to choose the periods categorized as When the seal expires, renewal is required.
  • To TÜBİTAK for a digital seal that you can think of as a flash memory to pay required.
  • After the seal reaches you, you can use the internet platform of the Revenue Administration. e-invoice application needs to be done.
  • After the e-invoice application is approved, a Acquiring an e-invoice program and this program’s IOP to integrate required.

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