What is DeFi Altcoin Stafi (FIS)?

What is staph (FIS)? Stafi (FIS) is a staking cryptocurrency that works with the DeFi protocol. It is possible to exchange and stake with ERC-20 tokens. This Coin is the native cryptocurrency of the Stafi network. It is used to pay transaction fees and to make keyed liquidity in DeFi. cryptocoin.com We have compiled the details for you, let’s examine the subject together…

What is staph (FIS)?

The goal of the project; It was created to provide investors with ERC-20 token staking and lending over the Stafi network. The project aimed to end the conflict between mainnet and token liquidity by offering ABT Token to its users. It offers its investors the opportunity to create new FIS Coin and ERC-20 tokens through the stafi network.

Users who cannot borrow from banks can borrow from FIS Coin holders through the Stafi network. According to the current market prices at the time of this writing, the price of 1 Stafi (FIS) Coin is 7.5 TL. It is equivalent to 0.52 dollars with the current exchange rate.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Investors can staking ERC-20 tokens for a certain term by providing a certain FIS Coin collateral.
  • Thus, they have the opportunity to earn passive income at maturity.
  • FIS Coin investors can borrow from other investors in the Stafi network by collateralizing their own assets. Interest is charged on the repayment. Thus, the creditor earns interest income.
  • With FIS Coin, investors can quickly perform cross-border transfers and exchanges between wallets in a matter of minutes, and they pay low transaction fees in return.


  • Since FIS Coin is released to raise collateral and increase ERC-20 token staking liquidity, investors cannot earn passive income directly from this coin.

What will stafi (FIS) be in the future?

FIS Coin is the native cryptocurrency of the Stafi network. In return for all transactions carried out on this network, guarantees and transaction fees are paid in FIS Coins. Working with the DeFi protocol, FIS Coin is one of the cryptocurrencies with a bright future if the development of this sector and its popularity increase. What is Staphy (FIS) in this article? We sought an answer with you. This article has been written for informative purposes only. Therefore, no reference can be made to any of your investment decisions!

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